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Women's Opinions

This is a poll of women's first impressions, gut reactions and quick answers to a number of topics.

WOMEN ONLY PLEASE. Do you think we should invade Iraq?

23% (27) yes
54% (64) no
13% (16) don't know
8% (10) don't care

117 voters have answered this question.

Which kind of car do you prefer?

54% (61) sporty
17% (20) sedan
17% (20) SUV
9% (11) minivan

112 voters have answered this question.

Would you dye your hair?

29% (34) yes
28% (33) no
31% (36) I have and would again
9% (11) I have and wouldn't again

114 voters have answered this question.

What color should a living room be painted?

16% (19) blue
6% (7) green
6% (7) yellow
12% (14) white
20% (23) off-white
6% (7) pink
8% (9) red
23% (26) other

112 voters have answered this question.

What brand of TV do you prefer?

47% (50) sony
1% (2) zenith
9% (10) magnavox
4% (5) jvc
6% (7) sharp
29% (31) other

105 voters have answered this question.

Would you eat beef tongue?

29% (33) never
33% (37) only to keep from starving to death
23% (26) maybe
4% (5) yes
9% (11) I have eaten it before

112 voters have answered this question.

Which would you rather receive as a surprise?

39% (44) flowers
7% (8) candy
7% (8) card
28% (32) money
2% (3) food
14% (16) clothing

111 voters have answered this question.

How many DVDs do you own?

13% (15) 0
25% (28) 1-3
58% (64) 3-10
2% (3) none

110 voters have answered this question.

Do you think that you are overweight?

50% (57) no
33% (37) yes
16% (18) maybe

112 voters have answered this question.

Would you date a man who wears women's underwear?

50% (55) never
33% (37) maybe
15% (17) yes

109 voters have answered this question.

Which type of computer printer do you own?

9% (10) inkjet black and white
63% (67) inkjet color
3% (4) laser black and white
22% (24) laser color

105 voters have answered this question.

Would you ever go skydiving?

28% (32) yes
27% (31) no
35% (41) maybe
8% (10) I have gone skydiving

114 voters have answered this question.

How many children do you want?

17% (18) 1
38% (40) 2
22% (23) 3
6% (7) 4
15% (16) 5 or more

104 voters have answered this question.

Which hobby do you prefer a man to have?

10% (12) golf
12% (14) hunting
16% (18) fishing
12% (14) watching sports on TV
21% (24) body building
25% (28) none

110 voters have answered this question.

Would you ever marry a garbage man?

27% (31) yes
27% (30) no
45% (50) maybe

111 voters have answered this question.

How many times per day do you look in a mirror?

18% (21) 1-2
41% (47) 2-5
16% (18) 5-10
23% (26) 11 or more

112 voters have answered this question.

Do you avoid public bathrooms?

44% (50) yes
55% (62) no

112 voters have answered this question.

Have you ever wet your pants as an adult?

59% (67) no
23% (26) yes
16% (19) just a little bit

112 voters have answered this question.

How often do you use your oven?

16% (19) every day
41% (46) 2-4 times per week
17% (20) once a week
24% (27) less than once a week

112 voters have answered this question.

How many bottles of nail polish do you own?

58% (64) 1-10
20% (22) 10-20
21% (24) more than 20

110 voters have answered this question.

How many keys are on your keychain?

33% (37) 1-3
43% (48) 3-6
15% (17) 6-10
8% (9) more than 10

111 voters have answered this question.

How many items other than keys are on your keychain?

31% (33) 1
18% (19) 2
25% (27) 3
7% (8) 4
17% (18) more than 4

105 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2003-02-04 20:21:55 by wackyone
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