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Female only

This is for females only

Females what is your age

31% (26) under 16
25% (21) 16-19
20% (17) 20-29
17% (14) 30-39
2% (2) 40-49
1% (1) 50-59
1% (1) 60 or older

82 voters have answered this question.

Have you studied martial arts

64% (52) yes
35% (29) no

81 voters have answered this question.

If yes, what martial art(s)

20% (27) karate
18% (24) judo
12% (16) ju-jitsu
13% (17) tae kwon do
12% (16) kung fu
14% (19) self defense courses
7% (10) other

129 voters have answered this question.

How long have you studied

27% (17) 0-1 year
9% (6) 1-2 years
14% (9) 2-5 years
21% (13) 5-10 years
26% (16) more than 10 years

61 voters have answered this question.

Do you have a black belt

47% (33) Yes
52% (36) No

69 voters have answered this question.

Have you ever had to use your martial arts to defend yourself

47% (32) Yes
52% (35) No

67 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2003-08-03 18:03:15 by Lisakicks
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