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GIRLS: Should guys wear sandals

I've read in Men's magazines that shoes are very important to girls. But what about if a guy wears sandals or flip-flops? Is this a turn off?
I am a FEMALE and my age is:
Under 18
My general opinion about guys wearing sandals is:
It's okay (if they're not $2 drug store slide ons)
It's fine if guys wear them
It's kind of gay looking
It's okay only if they have feet that aren't ugly
Guys' feet should always be covered, they're ugly
If a guy walked up to me wearing sandals, and tried to talk to me...
It wouldn't matter if he was wearing them or not
I wouldn't talk to him, because of the sandals
I would actually feel more comfortable talking
I would be distracted because I have a foot fetish
I would talk to him, but no way is he getting my #
The following are okay for a guy to wear...(Check any that apply)
Brand name Flip-Flops (Reef, etc.)
Drug store rubber Flip-Flops
Workout slide-ons, with socks
Workout slide-ons, without socks
Sports type (like Tevas, etc.)
Birkenstocks or other look alike
Huarachis or fishing type
Do you find men's feet attractive?
I have a foot fetish
What situations is it acceptable for guys to wear sandals..
Only around the house or yard
Only in non-social activities
Anytime, except on dates or special occasions
Anytime at all
This poll was created on 2003-02-13 18:47:33 by rr28