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Why are you with your boyfriend? (for girls only)

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Girls, what made you go for him and what makes you stay with him?

What is your age?

37% (11) 13-16
27% (8) 17-21
27% (8) 22-29
3% (1) 30-40
3% (1) 41-up

29 voters have answered this question.

Do you currently have a boyfriend or have had one in the past?

93% (27) Yes
6% (2) No

29 voters have answered this question.

What made you go with this guy?

48% (14) Pure looks
13% (4) Nice Car
10% (3) All my friends have boyfriends
41% (12) Romantic
58% (17) Charming
6% (2) I was lonely
20% (6) love at first site
48% (14) He was not like everyone else
58% (17) personality
3% (1) I was desperate!

29 voters have answered this question.

What would have kept you from dating this guy if things were different?

14% (4) Parents
14% (4) He never try to pick me up
11% (3) bad dresser
3% (1) Race
40% (11) Ugly
48% (13) Bad personality
25% (7) Shy
25% (7) He looks like a player

27 voters have answered this question.

If you currently have a boyfriend, why are you staying with him?

25% (7) He buys me things
67% (19) He's hot!
50% (14) He's funny
46% (13) Good companion
60% (17) He is very nice
57% (16) I love him
3% (1) I can't do any better
3% (1) He's misterious

28 voters have answered this question.

What would make you leave him?

30% (8) BBD (Bigger better deal)
53% (14) He cheated
19% (5) Not romantic anymore
42% (11) no sex
23% (6) bad kisser
34% (9) Lets himself go
3% (1) Nothing, he would have to leave me!

26 voters have answered this question.

How was this poll?

20% (5) Fun
16% (4) Different
37% (9) interesting
8% (2) Like all the other relationship polls
4% (1) stupid
12% (3) no opinion

24 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2003-01-28 04:03:02 by Play
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