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Stress in a Relationship

Relationships can be very stressful from beginning middle and end. See how many people have the same jitters as you.

If you are a girl...age...

8% (4) under 13
8% (4) 14
15% (7) 15
8% (4) 16
6% (3) 17
15% (7) 18
4% (2) 19
2% (1) 20
10% (5) 21
0% (0) 22
4% (2) 23
6% (3) 24
0% (0) 25
2% (1) 26
2% (1) 27
2% (1) 28
0% (0) 29
0% (0) 30
2% (1) over 30

46 voters have answered this question.

If you are a guy....age...

5% (2) under 13
8% (3) 14
11% (4) 15
2% (1) 16
8% (3) 17
8% (3) 18
5% (2) 19
11% (4) 20
5% (2) 21
0% (0) 22
5% (2) 23
0% (0) 24
0% (0) 25
0% (0) 26
0% (0) 27
2% (1) 28
2% (1) 29
0% (0) 30
20% (7) over 30

35 voters have answered this question.

How many times have you asked a person out on a date, social outing, etc. with you?

18% (15) GIRLS:never
6% (5) GUYS:never
8% (7) GIRLS:once
4% (4) GUYS:once
8% (7) GIRLS:twice
7% (6) GUYS:twice
3% (3) GIRLS:three times
2% (2) GUYS:three times
17% (14) GIRLS:more than three times
22% (18) GUYS:more than three times

81 voters have answered this question.

What is the most stressful situation of a non-married relationship?

5% (4) GIRLS:kissing the guy
5% (4) GIRLS:asking a guy out
5% (4) GIRLS:first date
28% (22) GIRLS:trusting him
5% (4) GIRLS:being yourself
5% (4) GIRLS:conversations
3% (3) GUYS:kissing the girl
14% (11) GUYS:asking the girl out
1% (1) GUYS:first date
10% (8) GUYS:trusting her
7% (6) GUYS:being yourself
8% (7) GUYS:conversations

78 voters have answered this question.

Do you enjoy kissing? (GIRLS only)

7% (4) yes, if it is quick
69% (36) yes, length doesn't matter
13% (7) kind of
9% (5) no

52 voters have answered this question.

Do you enjoy kissing? (GUYS only)

2% (1) Yes, if it is short
85% (29) Yes, length doesn't matter
5% (2) Kind of
5% (2) no

34 voters have answered this question.

GIRLS: what is the best part of a relationship (non-married)

0% (0) kissing
8% (4) talking
14% (7) cuddling
4% (2) laughing
48% (24) just spending time together
16% (8) getting to know him
2% (1) playing games
8% (4) sex

50 voters have answered this question.

GUYS only: what is the best part of a relationship (non-married)

5% (2) kissing
14% (5) spending time together
17% (6) getting to know one another
5% (2) talking
0% (0) taking her out to eat
5% (2) buying her things/spoiling her
26% (9) sex
20% (7) cuddling
0% (0) laughing
2% (1) playing games

34 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2003-02-09 20:21:48 by willow
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