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boys hitting girls

A recent poll mentioned on the radio claimed that one in five boys thought that giving a girl a hard slap was a perfectly acceptable response to any behaviour they disliked. Examples of such behaviour were arguing back or talking to other boys. The poll also claimed that girls equally thought that such behaviour was acceptable if they had been behaving badly. The pollsters made a distinction between a hard slap and more serious violence such as punching or kicking. I’m quite amazed at this response – perhaps I grew up in a gentler climate so I’d like to see if it’s true. I’m only interested in violence that was more serious than playful fun. By this I mean something that you could not immediately shrug of as insignificant.

Girls: has a boy ever deliberately hit you hard enough to hurt - if so where – check all that apply

7% (63) Never been hit
18% (149) Slap on face
26% (215) Slap on bottom
10% (81) Punch in the face
20% (167) Punch on the breast
15% (122) Punch anywhere else

797 voters have answered this question.

Girls: Had you behaved so badly that you deserved being hit

34% (155) Yes I was being a total cow
19% (89) Yes but he used more force than was appropriate
24% (111) No I had done nothing to deserve being hit
21% (96) It is never appropriate to be hit

451 voters have answered this question.

Girls: Do you think that being slapped is ever acceptable even if you have been behaving badly as he sees it

36% (165) Yes – it stops me behaving badly
21% (95) I don’t like being hit but it is no great deal
41% (187) No being hit is never acceptable

447 voters have answered this question.

Boys: Have you ever hit or slapped a girlfriend who annoyed you. Did it make a difference to your relationship

49% (238) I’ve never hit or slapped a girl
7% (35) I hit her or slapped her and she left me because of it
6% (32) I hit her or slapped her once and she stayed with me
12% (60) Since I hit her or slapped her she has behaved much better
23% (114) I often hit her or slap her and she stays with me

479 voters have answered this question.

Boys: For what reasons have you hit or slapped a girlfriend.

49% (229) I’ve never hit or slapped a girl
11% (53) I hit her or slapped her because she was showing interest in other men
20% (97) I hit her or slapped her because she argued with me
11% (51) I hit her or slapped her because she made me look silly in front of other people
7% (33) I hit her or slapped her because she wasted money

463 voters have answered this question.

Boys: is it acceptable to hit or slap a girlfriend

45% (219) No it’s never acceptable to hit or slap a girlfriend
27% (133) Yes but only if the girlfriend behaves extremely badly
26% (127) Yes its quite acceptable to hit or slap a girl if I want to

479 voters have answered this question.

Boys: if you have ever hit a girl hard enough to hurt where did you do it - check all that apply

34% (170) Never hit a girl
10% (52) Slap on face
21% (105) Slap on bottom
6% (32) Punch in face
16% (81) Punch on breast
10% (51) Punch anywhere else

491 voters have answered this question.

Girls: have any boyfriends ever done any of the following to you

5% (22) Pinched you hard enough to leave a bruise
11% (42) Pinched a nipple
28% (105) Hit you between the legs
13% (50) Beaten you with a belt
6% (23) Beaten you with a cane
6% (23) Left bruises which were hidden
8% (32) Left bruises which showed to the world ie on face or arms
20% (77) Given you a wedgie ( ie grabbed your knickers and pulled them up hard. )

374 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2003-02-19 22:20:03 by pam_r
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