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If space aliens landed - how would it affect religion?

If space aliens landed on Earth, or if they were discovered, I think it's fair to say that the implications for religion would be profound. For instance, even if the space aliens were friendly, Christians would have to ask "did Jesus die for their sins as well? Did Jesus die on their planet, and then rise again?" Muslims might ask "Has God sent these space aliens a Prophet like the Prophet Mohammed? (peace be upon him). Do they have their own Holy Book like the Qur'an?" Jews might ask whether the aliens had God-given laws which they had to follow. Buddhists might ask whether the space aliens were capable of attaining nirvana. The following questions assume that the space aliens are clearly intelligent but plainly non-human.
1. If space aliens landed or were discovered, how would it affect Christianity?
It would be unaffected
It would be only slightly affected
It would be substantially affected
It would be seriously damaged
It would be shaken to its foundations
It would be destroyed
2. If space aliens landed or were discovered, how would it affect Islam?
It would be unaffected
It would be only slightly affected
It would be substantially affected
It would be seriously damaged
It would be shaken to its foundations
It would be destroyed
3. If space aliens landed or were discovered, how would it affect Judaism?
It would be unaffected
It would be only slightly affected
It would be substantially affected
It would be seriously damaged
It would be shaken to its foundations
It would be destroyed
4. If space aliens landed or were discovered, how would it affect Hinduism?
It would be unaffected
It would be only slightly affected
It would be substantially affected
It would be seriously damaged
It would be shaken to its foundations
It would be destroyed
5. If space aliens landed or were discovered, how would it affect Buddhism?
It would be unaffected
It would be only slightly affected
It would be substantially affected
It would be seriously damaged
It would be shaken to its foundations
It would be destroyed
6. If space aliens landed or were discovered, how would it affect Catholicism?
It would be unaffected
It would be only slightly affected
It would be substantially affected
It would be seriously damaged
It would be shaken to its foundations
It would be destroyed
7. If space aliens landed or were discovered, how would it affect Shamanism, Wicca, and other religions based on magic?
They would be unaffected
They would be only slightly affected
They would be substantially affected
They would be seriously damaged
They would be shaken to their foundations
They would be destroyed
8. If space aliens landed or were discovered, how would it affect Scientology?
Are you kidding? Scientology is run by space aliens
It would be unaffected
It would be only slightly affected
It would be substantially affected
It would be seriously damaged
It would be shaken to its foundations
It would be destroyed
If space aliens landed or were discovered, how would it affect religion in general? (Check all that apply)
Some religions would be unaffected; others would be destroyed
Religion would be strengthened, as people would turn to God for help
Religion would continue, but in modified form
The creationists/fundamentalists would be destroyed
Christianity in particular would be badly affected
All religion would be destroyed
Religion would just have to find ways to deal with the new situation
This poll was created on 2003-02-22 12:07:28 by Predator