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WHAT TURNS YOU OFF? (girls only)

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For girls to say what behavior turns them off in guys.

Whats your age?

31% (29) Under 16
44% (41) 17-21
14% (13) 22-25
7% (7) 26-30
2% (2) 31-40
0% (0) over 40

92 voters have answered this question.

If an attractive guy approaches you, what would ruin his chances the most in his approach?

21% (20) Using a pickup line
16% (15) Making bad jokes
13% (12) Acting very nervous
20% (19) Asking for your number without much conversation
27% (25) Talking about himself and not asking any questions

91 voters have answered this question.

On a first date, what actions on his part would lower your interest in him?

30% (28) Bad jokes
17% (16) Talking too much
53% (49) Bringing up sex
54% (50) No eye contact
25% (23) Acting silly
73% (67) Not showing any interest in you

91 voters have answered this question.

If you like a guy, and he makes a comment that turns you off, what is your reaction?

30% (28) No reaction
35% (32) Tell him you don't like what he said
25% (23) Brush it off because you want him to like you
8% (8) Tell him off

91 voters have answered this question.

What is the biggest turn-off in a guy?

58% (53) Disrespectful
8% (8) Insecure
21% (19) Boring
4% (4) Tells bad jokes
6% (6) Up-tight

90 voters have answered this question.

What tells you when a guy is insecure the most on a date?

21% (19) Acts nervous
23% (21) No eye contect
15% (14) Acts defensive
22% (20) Agrees with everything you say
16% (15) doesn't talk much

89 voters have answered this question.

What tells you when a guy is self-confident on a date?

9% (9) Talks a lot
34% (31) Eye contact
34% (31) Says whatever he wants
21% (20) Smiles a lot

91 voters have answered this question.

How was this poll?

24% (22) Good
14% (13) Fun
51% (46) Okay
7% (7) Boring
2% (2) Bad

90 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2003-02-25 06:16:50 by Play
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