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do you think your mom is a burdon?

I think my mom is _____ and _____

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4 voters have answered this question.

How do you feel about your mom?

50% (2) I love her but she always makes me mad
25% (1) I always will love her and never get mad at her
0% (0) I hate her and always will
25% (1) other

4 voters have answered this question.

Is your mom always around?

0% (0) no
0% (0) sometimes
75% (3) yes
0% (0) I only see her on holidays and deaths
25% (1) other ( if you choose this than please put on MB )

4 voters have answered this question.

How old are you?

0% (0) < 13
50% (2) 13-15
25% (1) 15-18
25% (1) 18-25
0% (0) 25-30
0% (0) >30

4 voters have answered this question.

What do you like abuot your mom? (for >18 people only )

25% (1) She always cares for me
25% (1) She loans me money
25% (1) I can stay with her if I fight with my spouse
25% (1) She loves me
25% (1) She spoils me rotten even Im out of the house
0% (0) She puts food on the table
50% (2) other ( post on MB )

4 voters have answered this question.

What do you like abut your mom? ( < 18 )

75% (3) she cares for me
75% (3) she loves me
0% (0) she spoils me rotten
25% (1) she puts food on the table
0% (0) we always go to out of state trips
25% (1) other

4 voters have answered this question.

What dont you like about your mom?

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4 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2007-12-09 16:01:34 by tressa
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