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showers at middle schools

I have to take showers at school somtimes after we have been runing a lot or if we do somthing that we get dirty in, like football, and im just wounder in if other schools do this to.

Do you have to take showers at school

79% (1070) Yes
20% (280) No

1350 voters have answered this question.

What do you ware?

2% (39) swimsuite
2% (32) underware
82% (1108) nothing
12% (166) dont shower

1345 voters have answered this question.

What do others usally ware

3% (43) swimsuite
3% (42) underware
82% (1100) nothing
11% (150) dont shower

1335 voters have answered this question.

what kind of showersare provided?

4% (59) one peson
88% (1146) roomsize open
7% (94) roomsize weist hight walls

1299 voters have answered this question.

Do you look at others "areas"

20% (270) not on poupose
34% (450) whenever I can
35% (457) sometimes
9% (121) never

1298 voters have answered this question.

Who do you shower with?

82% (1070) same sex
3% (41) oppisite sex
14% (181) mixed

1292 voters have answered this question.

Did you ansewr truthfully

96% (1261) YES
3% (46) NO

1307 voters have answered this question.

are you circomsized?Dose it bother you in the shower

45% (511) Yes I am and it doesnt bother me
9% (108) Yes I am and no it does bother me
37% (421) No I am not and it doesnt bother me
6% (74) No I am not and it does bother me

1114 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2003-10-18 23:21:04 by cob
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