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Is George Bush (jr) Doing A Good Job?

Is the American Dictat....err I mean President fit to be PRESIDENT?
What do YOU (John Q. Public, or Jane E. Doe) Think of George Bush Jr?
He's completely retarded! I swear!
He is just trying to make papa' happy.
He's a good person who has to deal with alot of bad problems.
What should George Bush do about the terrorists?
Nothing, just leave them to be.
Terminate them like the roaches they are.
Bully the governments of other countries hosting terrorists to give them up.
Does George Bush look like a monkey?
When he is upset.
When he is loneley.
Is Georgy trying to get revenge for daddy? (Remember that Saddam DID try to kill G.B. Senior)
Hell yes he is trying to get revenge.
No, he just wants to eliminate terrorists.
No, he just wants Saddams oil.
Does George Bush care about the environment.
No Texan would give a damn about the enviruhnment.
He only cares about land when it has oil on it.
He makes donations from time to time.
What kind of person IS George Bush Jr.
Family minded nice guy who wants to help people.
Halfway-Educated yuppie who abused drugs.
The All American A OK Patriot who drinks beer and smokes cigarettes.
The perfect example of a half witted government puppet.
This poll was created on 2003-03-19 01:20:27 by Rick Morgan