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Tickled by siblings

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Have you got siblings? And have you ever been tickled by them? What do you think about that?

What is your gender?

40% (204) male
57% (289) femal
2% (14) don't want to say...

507 voters have answered this question.

How old are you?

5% (28) under 10
54% (275) 10-15
22% (113) 16-18
15% (81) older than 18
1% (10) don't want to say...

507 voters have answered this question.

How many siblings have you got?

23% (116) 1
30% (155) 2
19% (98) 3
11% (57) 4
5% (28) 5
9% (50) more than 5

504 voters have answered this question.

How many of your sibs are brothers?

29% (149) 0
32% (164) 1
16% (83) 2
9% (47) 3
5% (29) 4
2% (10) 5
3% (16) more than 5

498 voters have answered this question.

How many of your sibs are sisters?

31% (157) 0
28% (142) 1
24% (123) 2
6% (32) 3
3% (20) 4
1% (8) 5
3% (20) more than 5

502 voters have answered this question.

How many of your sibs are older than you?

26% (135) 0
24% (124) 1
19% (99) 2
6% (33) 3
3% (17) 4
1% (7) 5
0% (4) more than 5
16% (83) all

502 voters have answered this question.

How many of your sibs are younger than you?

44% (224) 0
25% (125) 1
16% (84) 2
4% (21) 3
2% (10) 4
0% (4) 5
1% (7) more than 5
4% (23) all

498 voters have answered this question.

How ticklish you are?

3% (16) I'm not ticklish at all...;)
3% (16) A little bit in one spot
7% (38) I'm "normally" ticklish in a few spots
21% (111) I'm very ticklish
28% (142) I'm totally ticklish everywhere
36% (184) I think no one is more ticklish than me...!...

507 voters have answered this question.

How ticklish are your sibs?

21% (107) They are not ticklish (they say...;) )
13% (67) A lil' ticklish in a spot or two...
17% (88) "Normally" ticklish in a few spots...
21% (107) very ticklish...
18% (93) totally ticklish everywhere...:)
8% (41) No one is more ticklish than they are...

503 voters have answered this question.

Do your siblings know your ticklish spot(s)?

87% (442) Yes, they do!
6% (31) No, they don't!
3% (16) Not everyone...
3% (17) I don't know...hope not...

506 voters have answered this question.

Do you know your siblings' ticklish spots?

54% (277) Yes, I do!
30% (153) No! (...not yet...)
14% (75) Not everybody's spot...

505 voters have answered this question.

Do your siblings tickle you often?

60% (302) Yes, almost every day...
30% (154) Just sometimes...
8% (43) They don't tickle me.

499 voters have answered this question.

Do you tickle your siblings often?

29% (146) Yes, almost every day...
34% (174) Just sometimes...
36% (181) I don't tickle them...

501 voters have answered this question.

Who tickles you more often?

26% (132) The younger one(s)
48% (238) The older one(s)
24% (121) All

491 voters have answered this question.

Who do you tickle more often?

47% (205) The younger one(s)
31% (135) The older one(s)
21% (95) All

435 voters have answered this question.

Do you ever gang-tickle one of your sibs together with your other sibs?

28% (137) Yes!
9% (45) Yes, we always tickle our lil' bro/sis together...
6% (30) Yes, we always tickle our big bro/sis together...
56% (272) No

484 voters have answered this question.

Have you ever been gang-tickled by your siblings?

36% (180) Yes!
30% (149) Yeah, 'cause I'm the youngest...
10% (52) Yeah, 'cause I'm he oldest...
21% (106) No

487 voters have answered this question.

How do you tickle your sibs?

14% (69) I always give them a short quick tickle...
21% (107) They are free to move and tickle back...
12% (62) I pin them down and tickle them a short while...
21% (106) I pin them down and tickle them a long time...
29% (143) I don't tickle them

487 voters have answered this question.

How do your sibs tickle you?

6% (32) They always give me a short quick tickle...
11% (56) I'm free to move and tickle back...
19% (99) They pin me down and tickle me a short while...
55% (274) They pin me down and tickle me a long time...
7% (35) They don't tickle me

496 voters have answered this question.

Do you have fun with tickling your siblings?

33% (163) Yes,it's a lot of fun for me...
45% (220) Yes, we all have fun...
20% (101) No, it's not...

484 voters have answered this question.

Do you end up in tickle-fights with your siblings sometimes?

47% (233) Yes, we often end up in tickle-fights...
31% (151) Yeah, sometimes...
21% (103) No, never...

487 voters have answered this question.

Who is the best tickler out of you and your sibs?

17% (89) Me, of course ! ;)
30% (152) My older brother
6% (32) My younger brother
22% (112) My older sister
11% (59) My younger sister
11% (55) We are all the same

499 voters have answered this question.

When do you like tickling your sibs the most?

22% (103) When they claim not to be ticklish...;)
19% (89) "Surprising" them when they are in bed...
11% (54) When we are watching TV...
19% (90) When we play games...
26% (121) Other

457 voters have answered this question.

Who is the most ticklish out of you and your sibs?

69% (349) Me
1% (9) My older brother
7% (36) My younger brother
5% (29) My older sister
7% (40) My younger sister
7% (38) We are all the same...

501 voters have answered this question.

Why do you like tickling your sibs?

26% (117) I can make them laugh this way
34% (154) We just goof around that way
11% (51) I can make them do everything that way...;)
6% (29) I pry something from them that way...
20% (91) Other

442 voters have answered this question.

What's the best reaction you get, when you tickle them?

22% (101) light giggling
36% (166) heavy giggling
49% (225) laughing and squirming
31% (143) squeling and rapidly moving
32% (149) they try to tickle me back...
29% (133) begging and pleading for mercy...
19% (88) crying tears of laughter...
20% (95) Other

453 voters have answered this question.

Did you like the poll?

67% (322) Yes!
2% (12) No!
9% (46) Not much
20% (96) Somehow yeah...

476 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2003-03-23 13:16:28 by jenny333
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