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Guys - Sexual Partner Questionnaire

Are you male or female?

98% (195) Male
1% (3) Female (please go straight to results)

198 voters have answered this question.

How many people have you slept with?

14% (28) 0
34% (68) 1-5
11% (23) 6-10
12% (25) 11-15
8% (16) 16-20
5% (10) 21-30
1% (2) 31-40
3% (7) 41-50
3% (6) 51-100
6% (12) 100+

197 voters have answered this question.

How many partners is it ok for you girlfried/wife to have had?

57% (113) Don't mind - she can't change her past.
7% (15) 0
15% (31) 5 or less.
6% (13) 10 or less.
5% (10) 20 or less.
3% (6) 50 or less.
3% (7) 100 or less.

195 voters have answered this question.

How many partners does it take to make a girl a 'slut'?

3% (6) 1
10% (21) up to 5
15% (31) up to 10
4% (9) up to 15
7% (15) up to 20
11% (22) up to 50
46% (91) Don't mind - she can sleep with who she likes.

195 voters have answered this question.

Would you date a girl who had slept with more people than you?

84% (164) Yes
15% (31) No

195 voters have answered this question.

Would you marry a girl that had slept with more people than you?

75% (147) Yes
24% (48) No

195 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2008-01-04 15:17:27 by nightandday
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