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Child Abuse

Chlid abuse
Do you know any one who is abused that is under the age of 18 years old?
Yes, someone very close to me
Yes, but not someone very close to me
Yes, myself
Not positive if they were really abused
No I don't know anyone who was
How many people do you know who is abused and is under the age of 18 years old?
More than 10 people
Between 6-9 people
Between 2-5 people
Just one person
None at all
Have you ever gotten help for someone who was abused under the age of 18 years old?
Yes, I called in for them and I even took them to a place to get help
Yes, I gave them a number or website to go to and get help
Yes, I told someone about the situation and they got them help
Yes, I told them to get help
No, I didn't get them help or I don't know anyone who needed help
Do you know where to go if you were ever abused?
Yes, I know what place I could go to and I know what place to call
Yes, I have a number to call just incase I need help
Yes, I could find a number to call if I really needed it
No, but I know I could ask a friend if i needed it
No, I don't know where to go or who to call
Do you feel you have a clear understanding of what child abuse is?
Yes, I know all about child abuse including physical abuse and mental abuse
Yes, I know all about physical abuse and a little bit about mental abuse
Yes, I know all about mental abuse and a little bit about physical abuse
Kind of, I know just about physical abuse
Kind of, I know just about mental abuse
A little, I understand a bit about physical abuse and mental abuse
A little I understand a bit about physical abuse only
A little, I understand a bit about mental abuse only
No, but I know where I could go to look it up if i needed to
No, I know nothing at all
This poll was created on 2003-04-27 20:15:13 by doubleu6111