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Shut Up! (Females Only)

Have any of you ladies ever had to silence someone by putting your hand over their mouth?
Have you ever put your hand over another person's mouth
How often do you silence people?
Only done it once
Every once in a while
Only when I need to
A lot
All the time, I love it!
Who among the following people have you had to shut up
Boyfriend/Significant Other
Female Friend
Male Friend
Female Cousin
Male Cousin
Other Female
Other Male
How often do you usually keep your hand over their mouth?
A few seconds
A minute or two
Five minutes
Ten minutes
Half hour
1 hour or more
All day
Until they're quiet
What do they usually do while you are covering their mouth?
Quietly sitting there
Going "MMPPH" constantly
Going "MMPPH" once or twice
Trying to talk
Trying to open their mouth
Trying to pull my hand away
In your experience, who makes more noise when you have their mouth covered, males or females?
About the same
Who tries to pull your hand off their mouth more often, males or females?
About the same
If you ever covered someone's mouth, what was it for?
Person was talking too much
Person was being annoying
Person wouldn't stop singing or making noises
Person was arguing with me
I was trying to keep the person from saying something
Just for fun
Finally, did any of the people you silenced end up covering your mouth at a later time?
Yes, a male did once
Yes, a female did once
Yes, males and females have
I get my mouth covered all the time
Nope, never been silenced
I'd kill someone if they ever tried to do that to me!
This poll was created on 2003-04-16 18:05:07 by weirdo81