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Piercing - own choise?

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Hi! I was wondering - a person, who does not have a partner, wanting a piercing - should he/she go ahead or wait?
Please read all options for the specific question before you choose.

Should HE:

66% (10) Go ahead and get the piercing of his own choise, not worrying about other peoples opinion
0% (0) Go ahead and get a piercing widely accepted by the society
20% (3) Go ahead and get a piercing widely accepted by the society, for his gender
13% (2) Wait until he gets a girlfiend, no matter how long it takes, and ask her

15 voters have answered this question.

Should SHE:

75% (9) Go ahead and get the piercing of her own choise, not worrying about other peoples opinion
0% (0) Go ahead and get a piercing widely accepted by the society
16% (2) Go ahead and get a piercing widely accepted by the society, for her gender
8% (1) Wait until she gets a boyfiend, no matter how long it takes, and ask him

12 voters have answered this question.

What did YOU do?

68% (11) Got the piercing of my own choise, not worrying about other peoples opinion
6% (1) Got a piercing widely accepted by the society
12% (2) Got a piercing widely accepted by the society, for my gender
12% (2) Waited until I got a partner, no matter how long it took
0% (0) I already had a partner

16 voters have answered this question.

Are you:

0% (0) Female, under 10 years
37% (6) Female, 11 - 20 years
0% (0) Female, 21 - 30 years
0% (0) Female, 31 - 40 years
0% (0) Female, 41 - 50 years
0% (0) Female, over 50 years
0% (0) Male, under 10 years
31% (5) Male, 11 - 20 years
12% (2) Male, 21 - 30 years
6% (1) Male, 31 - 40 years
0% (0) Male, 41 - 50 years
12% (2) Male, over 50 years

16 voters have answered this question.

Where do you live?

6% (1) Canada
66% (10) U.S.A.
0% (0) South America
20% (3) Western Europe
0% (0) Eastern Europe
6% (1) Middle east
0% (0) Japan
0% (0) Indonesia
0% (0) Australia

15 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2003-04-19 02:10:16 by LP
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