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When you've had a bit too much to drink!

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Last week, I went to a party and ended up embarassing myself by getting very drunk. I'd like to hope that I'm not alone out there, and there are other girls like me, who sometimes can't hold there drink.(For the record, I have vomited in public, split up with a significant other whilst drunk, and wet the bed on more than one occasion. And at the afore mentioned party, I actually managed to vomit and soil myself in public....I shan't be drinking for some time now!!)

Are you female?

93% (207) Yes!
6% (14) No. end of questions for you then!

221 voters have answered this question.

How old are you?

30% (68) Under 18 (Why are you drinking!?).
41% (91) 18-25
9% (22) 26-30
6% (14) 31-35
3% (8) 36-40
8% (18) over 40 (Should know better!!)

221 voters have answered this question.

When did you first start drinking?

67% (148) Under 18 (Tsk Tsk!)
30% (67) 18-25
0% (2) 26-30
0% (0) 31-35
0% (1) 36-40
0% (0) Over 40 (What took you so long!)

218 voters have answered this question.

Have you ever done any of the following whilst drunk?

49% (107) Cried
28% (62) Got into a fight
67% (146) Had sex with someone you knew
48% (106) Had sex with someone you didn't know
12% (28) Split up with a significant other
55% (121) Vomited
72% (158) Wet yourself
54% (118) Wet the bed
38% (84) Soiled yourself/bed
52% (113) Taken your clothes off in public

217 voters have answered this question.

Have you ever got so drunk you don't remember what you did?

74% (157) Yes
25% (55) No

212 voters have answered this question.

How old were you when you had your most drunk event?

37% (82) Under 18
48% (106) 18-25
5% (12) 26-30
1% (4) 31-35
0% (2) 36-40
0% (1) Over 40
5% (11) It was last week!

218 voters have answered this question.

What would you consider to be the most embarassing thing you could do when drunk?

8% (19) Cry in public
4% (9) Fight in public
21% (47) Vomit in public
43% (93) wet yourself in public
44% (96) soil yourself in public
28% (62) Strip in public

216 voters have answered this question.

Which of the following have you done on more than one occasion?

26% (55) Cry
13% (29) Fight
45% (96) Strip
65% (139) Wet yourself
27% (59) Soil yourself
38% (81) Vomit

211 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2003-05-05 14:32:22 by MattC
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