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Black Metal

Which is the best black metal sub-type?

33% (8) Raw/Pure [Mayhem, Darkthrone]
33% (8) Melodic/Symphonic [Emperor, Dimmu Borgir]
33% (8) Viking [Enslaved, Windir]

24 voters have answered this question.

Which are the best black metal bands?

19% (5) 1349
11% (3) Abigor
15% (4) Absu
34% (9) Burzum
26% (7) Carpathian Forest
34% (9) Cradle of Filth
23% (6) Dark Funeral
34% (9) Darkthrone
15% (4) Destroyer 666
46% (12) Dimmu Borgir
50% (13) Emperor
26% (7) Enslaved
38% (10) Gorgoroth
50% (13) Immortal
3% (1) Impaled Northern Moonforest
7% (2) Leviathan
19% (5) Marduk
50% (13) Mayhem
11% (3) Satyricon
11% (3) Vreid
19% (5) Windir
23% (6) Wolves in the Throne Room

26 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2008-02-11 02:48:16 by chlamydiaddict
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