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Concerned about sexual predators

I am the father of a 7-year-old daughter and a 5-year-old son. Like most parents, I am quite concerned about my children's safety and am worried about everything from kidnappers to perverts. I would like to know how other parents feel.

What is your gender?

38% (76) Female
62% (124) Male

200 voters have answered this question.

How many children do you have?

23% (46) None
16% (33) 1
39% (78) 2
21% (42) 3+

199 voters have answered this question.

Your kids' gender

25% (41) Male
33% (54) Female
41% (67) Both (one or more of each)

162 voters have answered this question.

How worried are you that your child could be the victim of kidnapping?

46% (83) Not at all worried
22% (40) Somewhat worried
15% (28) Moderately worried
8% (15) Very worried
6% (11) Extremely - I have nightmares about this.

177 voters have answered this question.

How worried are you about perverts?

42% (77) Not at all worried
23% (42) Somewhat concerned
11% (21) Moderately concerned
15% (27) Very concerned
7% (13) Extremely - I have nightmares about this.

180 voters have answered this question.

Have you ever been molested?

50% (93) No
16% (30) Yes, by a stranger
10% (19) Yes, by a friend of the family
23% (43) Yes, by a family member

185 voters have answered this question.

To your knowledge, have your children ever been molested?

61% (104) No
5% (10) Yes, by a stranger
8% (15) Yes, by a friend of the family
23% (40) Yes, by a family member

169 voters have answered this question.

How common do you think pedophiles are?

21% (39) Not common - they are very rare
43% (78) Somewhat - there are pedophiles, but very uncommon
35% (64) Very common - there could be one behind every tree

181 voters have answered this question.

Do you think pedophiles are increasing or decreasing, per capita?

43% (77) Increasing - there are way more perverts now than years ago
50% (89) No change - as a percentage of the population, it's the same
6% (11) Decreasing - there are fewer pedophiles now than years ago

177 voters have answered this question.

How old is your eldest child?

3% (5) 0-2
4% (7) 2-4
17% (28) 4-7
46% (73) 8-12
22% (36) 13-17
5% (9) 18+

158 voters have answered this question.

How old is your youngest child?

20% (29) 0-2
18% (27) 2-4
26% (38) 4-7
26% (39) 8-12
4% (7) 13-17
3% (5) 18+

145 voters have answered this question.

Have you ever prevented your child from attending summer camp, sleep overs, etc. because you are worried about their safety?

79% (129) No
20% (33) Yes

162 voters have answered this question.

Do you discriminate babysitters based on their gender? My wife and I will only have female babysitters (wife's decision).

70% (115) No - we have had boys and girls babysit
18% (30) Yes - we never have boys babysit
10% (17) Yes - we never have girls babysit

162 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2003-05-12 23:26:28 by Skwirrel
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