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how to deal with problems in your relationship

Get ideas from others on how to deal with problems in your relationship
You find out your boyfriend or girlfriend has been cheating on you. What do you do?
A} Dump him or her immediatly
B} Try to talk it out
C} Find out why they did it and then decide
D} Forget about it and move on
How do you ask someone out?
A} Practice with a mirro until you are ready
B} Go up to them and ask right away
C} Think about if he or she is the right one
D} Wait for the perfect moment
How do you know you are ready for a realtionship?
A} You can handle the pressures of skool and life
B} You know the boy or girl likes you
C} You dont ever know if you are ready
D} You have been in a relationship before
How do you know someone likes you
A} They always hang around you
B} They flirt with you and always compliment you
C} They always seem to cheer you up
D} They make you feel good
This poll was created on 2003-05-12 23:57:37 by ben dover