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Checking the Bases

Most people know what the bases (outside of baseball) are. For those who don't, they are basically the diffrent stages in a relationship. But not everyone is entirely sure what "activities" should be for which base. Right now, we'll let the people decide...
You are a...
A little of both...
Hold on, let me check...
Do you think you're good at running the bases?
Dude, I'm the king!!!
I'm a pimp. The girls flock to me but some get away.
I'm doing pretty well.
I've made it once or twice.
I'm still practicing.
I had good stats while in little league.
First Base is...
Juggling the Jugs
Second Base is...
Juggling the Jugs
Below the Belt Frisking
Third Base is...
Below the Belt Frisking
Doing the Deed
A Home Run is...
Doing the Deed
Morally Reprehensible
How far SHOULD people go on a first date?
First Base
Second Base
Third Base
Home Run
How far would YOU go on a first date.
First Base
Second Base
Third Base
Home Run
How's your swing? (How far have you gotten)
First Base
Second Base
Third Base
Home Run
Should you wait until marriage to hit a home run?
No - take the car for a test drive first, if you know what I mean.
Maybe -- it totally depends on the person you're dating.
Absolutely -- wait until after you're married.
I can't get married anywhere but Toronto and Holland, so this question is insulting and stupid.
This poll was created on 2004-07-14 20:51:41 by foxtrot8