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What do you like about yourself VS. others

Some friends consider me hypocritical because I want to be skinny but I like guys who are chubby. (I'm a girl, in case that influences your responses) How do you feel about this?
Are you male or female?
What kind of body do you think you have and how do you feel about it?
Skinny and satisfied
Skinny and want to gain weight
Skinny and want to lose weight
Thin and satisfied
Thin and want to gain weight
Thin and want to lose weight
Average and satisfied
Average and want to gain weight
Average and want to lose weight
Chubby and satisfied
Chubby and want to gain weight
Chubby and want to lose weight
Fat and satisfied
Fat and want to gain weight
Fat and want to lose weight
What type of body are you most attracted to?
Doesn't matter
How would you want your significant other to look compared to you?
I'm skinny and want a skinny S/O
I'm skinny and want a thin S/O
I'm skinny and want an average S/O
I'm skinny and want a chubby S/O
I'm skinny and want a fat S/O
I'm thin and want a skinny S/O
I'm thin and want a thin S/O
I'm thin and want an average S/O
I'm thin and want a chubby S/O
I'm thin and want a fat S/O
I'm average and want a skinny S/O
I'm average and want a thin S/O
I'm average and want an average S/O
I'm average and want a chubby S/O
I'm average and want a fat S/O
I'm chubby and want a skinny S/O
I'm chubby and want a thin S/O
I'm chubby and want an average S/O
I'm chubby and want a chubby S/O
I'm chubby and want a fat S/O
I'm fat and want a skinny S/O
I'm fat and want a thin S/O
I'm fat and want an average S/O
I'm fat and want a chubby S/O
I'm fat and want a fat S/O
I'm skinny and S/O's size doesn't matter
I'm thin and S/O's size doesn't matter
I'm average and S/O's size doesn't matter
I'm chubby and S/O's size doesn't matter
I'm fat and S/O's size doesn't matter
Would you still date someone even if you didn't like their body type? (ie. if you like skinny people would you date a fat person)
Yes - personality is more important
Yes - I wouldn't want to be discriminated against because of my looks
No - I find bodies other than the type I prefer unattractive and/or disgusting
No - I couldn't be physically attracted to someone of another body type
Am I a hypocrite for wanting to be skinny but liking/preferring chubby guys
Yes - having different standards for yourself than for others is always wrong
No - What you look like is irrelevant for determining who you find attractive
This poll was created on 2003-06-01 03:50:34 by NYGirl