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Is anyone ever early for work???

Sad to say this idea came from my boss. It started with, well, you can probably guess, me being late for work! His question is, has anyone ever come to work early with the excuse, "oh, I thought traffic would be bad so I left the house early." I answered that I don't think anyone has ever said this in the history of working, which brought me to this poll!!
Have you ever been EARLY to work armed with an excuse as to why, as opposed to late to work with an excuse?
Never! A book of excuses sits next to my broken alarm clock!
Neither, no excuse for excuses! I'm at my desk working hard the minute we open!
Yes! The anticipation of getting to work early keeps me up at night!
This poll was created on 2003-06-05 15:27:01 by CaliGirl77