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Never Been Loved

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Hi. It's a lot easier to say this online where my identity is anonymous. I've learned from personal experience that my emotions, my dreams and hopes, everything that I've ever felt never seemed to mean much to anyone I've ever truly cared for. I very much desire a heart to share with me, and not have to always be alone. As crazy as this may sound, in my lifetime I've never physically heard the words "I love you" and never knew what it feels like to be kissed or touched with true affection.. (I'm not a virgin, but without ever knowing love what does it matter) I'll always stay strong but I'd be lying if I said this doesn't hurt me one bit. I do want love genuinely, I want to know what that's like, how it feels. I've had much success with helping others, but the one thing my heart wants.. love.. is the one thing that often seems like the coldest, most distant thing in the whole world. This is a poll for anyone who has ever suffered from true lonliness.. never let your dreams fade away, always be true to yourself and someday, somehow won't have to be alone anymore.

Are you male or female?

59% (497) Male
40% (344) Female

841 voters have answered this question.

Are you currently involved in any form of relationship?

1% (11) Yes, married
1% (13) Yes, engaged/seriously involved
2% (24) Yes, casual realtionship
4% (35) Yes, but just dating
14% (120) No, I choose not to be involved
76% (646) No, I have no success and cannot even get a date

849 voters have answered this question.

How would you best describe your emotional well being?

0% (7) Unbelievably happy.
1% (9) Very happy.
5% (44) Happy.
26% (225) Been better, been worse.
15% (128) Unhappy.
17% (150) Very unhappy.
23% (196) Seriously depressed.
10% (91) Suicidal.

850 voters have answered this question.

Besides yourself, do you think that anyone else cares how you feel?

1% (12) Of course, I am so loved.
28% (246) Yes, I know there are people who care about me.
27% (234) Maybe a little.
27% (233) Not really, people mostly care about themselves only.
14% (124) I could die right now and no one would know and no one would care.

849 voters have answered this question.

Why do you think you are alone? Check all that apply.

30% (251) Because I come with personal baggage than no one wants.
55% (459) Because I am physically unattractive.
59% (494) Because I am insecure with myself.
60% (507) Because I am really inexperienced with relationships for my age, and it shows.
27% (228) Because I choose to be alone.. it hurts less.
40% (338) I'm afraid to fall in love because all I've ever known is abandonment and heartache.

833 voters have answered this question.

Do you love yourself?

5% (49) Yes, I love myself completely and without question.
20% (175) Yes, there are things I wish I could change about myself, but all in all, I love who I am.
13% (111) I love myself but not as much as I should.
37% (318) I've been losing faith.. I care for my well being but I do not love myself.
12% (104) I do not love myself and it shows.
10% (91) I hate myself passionately, I wish I was never born.

848 voters have answered this question.

If you found true love today (call it a soulmate if you believe in soulmates).. how would you best describe it's impact on your lonliness?

34% (290) That's the one thing I've always wanted; I'd be completely fulfilled.
29% (248) I'd feel very lucky and happy and a lot less lonely.
7% (62) Having someone really special makes me feel less alone.
13% (115) At first I'd feel really happy, but sooner or later s/he will leave me.
15% (131) It wouldn't even happen because no one can love me or desire me or even acknowledge me.

846 voters have answered this question.

Are you afraid to die alone?

1% (10) I'll never die alone, I am soooo loved.
9% (77) I know that I never have to be alone if I don't want to.
36% (311) Occasionally I worry about dying alone, but that can't stop me from living my life the way I should.
27% (231) I worry about it a lot, when I die, I want to be in someone's heart forever.
25% (213) I am deathly afraid to die alone.. have even thought about suicide to end the feelings of lonliness.

842 voters have answered this question.

Do you feel you can change things so you're not so lonely?

4% (39) Definitely, I know exactly what I have to do.
18% (155) I know if I put my emotions in check and accept certain things, I won't have to be alone again.
35% (297) The things I can't change are the things that mean the most to me.
41% (350) It's so hard to keep going on... feel like I'm alive but I'm not living.

841 voters have answered this question.

Ladies only please: if you could share your honest thoughts about this, it would help me out a lot. See, I don't have a lot of experience with approaching women. I'm genuinely interested in meeting a good woman for a relationship, casual at first.. I'll go further if things feel right between us (so I'm not out for just a cheap thrill). If I see someone I find attractive, what is the best way I can approach her.. (the middle, conversation part I'm good with).. and get her to want to give me her number? I know there are lots of nice women out there, I just don't know how to keep her attention.. lol. Please post a message here or send me one at IRNWLF4525@aol.com. Thanx! =)

0 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2003-06-11 03:47:56 by James07470
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