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When Is Suicide an acceptable alternative to Living

Depression has been my lifelong companion and I've asked myself and others this question
Is suicide every an appropriate response to life?
Yes, it is a persons right to do so
Yes, If you are in physical or emotional pain
Yes, If doing so will help other
No, It is never okay
What should we do as a society with those who express suicidal thought or who have tried suicide in the past?
Nothing, dying is their right
Load them up with medication and therapy
Lock them up for their own safety
Who cares, let them die, more room for us
Why are we discussing this, I'm happy and lucky
Who should pay for the care, medication, or hospitalization?
Let them die it's cheapest
insurance companies
Their families, they raised this crazy
the gov't ( ie all of us through taxes)
Have you ever felt bad enough to consider killing yourself?
Yes, but religous belief forbids it.
Yes, But I couldn't go through with it
Yes, but things changed for the better
Yes, I told someone and got good help
Yes, I tried and failed and no one knew
Yes,I tried,failed,family prtended didn't happen
Yes,I tried, failed went to hospital, got no help
What steps must a depressed person have tried before you would agree that their life could be ended by them?
None, life is precious
Joined a church/ tried religion
Taken Medication
Gone to professional therapy
Been hospitalized
Tried electro- shock therapy
Age is a realitive facture in okaying suicide?
Yes,adults who have lived a fulllife have more right
Is sex a factor?
Yes, weeping women should not inflict their kids
Yes, weeping men should just die
Could you ever forgive a friend, relative etc.. who planned carefully and then executed a suicide sucessfully?
Yes, if I understood why
Yes, after a certain amount of time
yes, if they left me money in their will
Yes, I'm glad the old winer is a goner
Last question. Does a suicidal parent ( especially a mom) do more damage to her children by committing suicide or by forcing her family to always have to either deal with her insanity or the shame of being sent or taken away?
Kill yourself early, give the kids a chance
Give them away, your family can tell them when older
No,it's better you are with them even depressed
Keep them,they will your understand you when older
This poll was created on 2003-06-18 23:16:24 by cef