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Religion and Atheism

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This is a poll about religious beliefs and opposition to them.

What religion do you belong to, if any?

36% (17) 1.Christianity
2% (1) 2.Islam
0% (0) 3.Judaism
0% (0) 4.Buddhism
0% (0) 5.Hinduism
0% (0) 6.Zoroastrianism
4% (2) 7.Sikhism
40% (19) 8.Atheism
14% (7) 9.Agnosticism
2% (1) 10.Other

47 voters have answered this question.

How religious would you consider yourself?

17% (8) 1.Very religious
14% (7) 2.Moderatly religious
17% (8) 3.Not very religious
51% (24) 4.I don't believe in any religion

47 voters have answered this question.

What is your opinion of Atheists?

6% (3) 1.They are infidels, They will burn in hell
0% (0) 2.They are ok, as long as they stay away from me
93% (42) 3.They are human beings, They have a right to their beliefs

45 voters have answered this question.

What do you think of people who believe in religions other than your own?

2% (1) 1.They will burn in hell.
4% (2) 2.They must stay at least 10 ft. away from me at all times.
93% (42) 3.They are normal human beings, they have rights.

45 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2003-06-20 20:35:44 by teer
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