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Poll on self-defence.

Are you male or female?

58% (63) Male
41% (44) Female

107 voters have answered this question.

Do you study any martial arts?

10% (11) Yes, Karate
1% (2) Yes, Kung Fu
10% (11) Yes, Tae Kwon Do
0% (0) Yes, Kendo
1% (2) Yes, Ninjitsu
18% (19) Yes, but it's not listed here
57% (60) No, I don't

105 voters have answered this question.

Do you think you are capable of beating a middle-aged unarmed man in a surprise attack off the street?

78% (82) Yes
21% (23) No

105 voters have answered this question.

Do you think you are capable of beating a tall muscular unarmed man in a surprise attack off the street?

51% (54) Yes
48% (50) No

104 voters have answered this question.

Do you think you could beat a slim woman sho's been studying karate for five years in a surprise attack off the street?

44% (46) Yes
55% (58) No

104 voters have answered this question.

Do you think you could beat a seven feet tall biker guy with a baseball bat off the street?

33% (34) Yes
66% (67) No

101 voters have answered this question.

Do you think you are capable of beating a black-belted korean karate master off the street?

19% (20) Yes
80% (83) No

103 voters have answered this question.

If you encountered a man in hand-to-hand combat, which move would you start the fight with?

11% (11) High punch against face
2% (2) Uppercut against lower jaw
3% (3) Low punch against belly
2% (2) Headbutt against forehead
31% (31) Knee thrust in private parts
2% (2) Low kick against single leg
3% (3) Sweeping kick against both legs
3% (3) High kick against face
1% (1) Medium kick against chest
0% (0) Medium kick against stomach
0% (0) Scissor kick against head
4% (4) Elbow thrust against face
1% (1) Elbow thrust against stomach
5% (5) Complicated technique
31% (31) I wouldn't make the first move

99 voters have answered this question.

If you encountered a girl in hand-to-han combat, which move would you start with?

12% (12) High punch against face
2% (2) Uppercut against lower jaw
2% (2) Low punch against belly
3% (3) Headbutt against forehead
5% (5) Knee thrust in private parts
6% (6) Low kick against single leg
5% (5) Sweeping kick against both legs
1% (1) High kick against face
1% (1) Medium kick against chest
2% (2) Medium kick against stomach
1% (1) Scissor kick against head
2% (2) Elbow thrust against face
0% (0) Elbow thrust against stomach
4% (4) Complicated technique
23% (23) I wouldn't make the first move
31% (31) I don't fight girls

100 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2003-08-12 18:18:01 by Weyaran
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