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Have you been abducted?

If you believe that you may have been abducted by some sort of extra-terrestrial being, please fill in this poll. Your answers may help influence public opnion on this topic.
(01) Do you believe that you have been abducted by aliens?
They tried, but I fought them off with a pointy stick
(02) Do you believe that the aliens planted a probe in your body? If so, where?
Yes - It's in my brain
Yes - It's in my stomach
Yes - It's in my kidney
Yes - It's in my $%@!#@
(03) If you have a probe in your body, does it give you special powers? If so, what are they?
Yes - I can fly
Yes - I can become invisible
Yes - I have x-ray vision
Yes - It gave me a sex change
(04) If given the chance, would you want to be abducted again?
I would join them and become their king
(05) What should we do when aliens try to take over the earth?
Nuke them
Poison our water supplies
Give them Russia in exchange for our freedom
Chase them away with pointy stiks
Throw fruit at them
Release the hounds
Sell them drugs
This poll was created on 2001-01-10 14:37:06 by MPC4249062288