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Sexiness and clothing

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What clothing options do certain groups find sexy?

If you are a straight man, which do you think women find sexiest:

14% (25) A man in a suit
11% (20) A man in nice casual clothes
4% (7) A man in T-shirt and jeans
1% (3) A man in shorts
13% (23) A man in underwear
15% (27) A shirtless man
8% (14) A naked man
30% (52) A naked man with an erection

171 voters have answered this question.

If you are a straight woman, which do you find sexiest:

10% (10) A man in a suit
6% (6) A man in nice casual clothes
4% (4) A man in T-shirt and jeans
1% (1) A man in shorts
9% (9) A man in underwear
15% (15) A shirtless man
14% (14) A naked man
37% (36) A naked man with an erection

95 voters have answered this question.

If you are a gay or bisexual man, which do you find sexiest:

7% (8) A man in a suit
0% (1) A man in nice casual clothes
1% (2) A man in T-shirt and jeans
4% (5) A man in shorts
18% (19) A man in underwear
2% (3) A shirtless man
16% (17) A naked man
46% (47) A naked man with an erection

102 voters have answered this question.

If you are a straight woman, which do you think men find sexiest:

7% (7) A woman in a dress
2% (2) A woman in a pants suit
1% (1) A woman in T-shirt and jeans
1% (1) A woman in shorts
29% (28) A woman in lingerie
15% (15) A woman in a bikini
43% (42) A naked woman

96 voters have answered this question.

If you are a straight man, which do you find sexiest:

6% (11) A woman in a dress
1% (2) A woman in a pants suit
3% (5) A woman in T-shirt and jeans
4% (7) A woman in shorts
25% (41) A woman in lingerie
20% (33) A woman in a bikini
39% (64) A naked woman

163 voters have answered this question.

If you are a lesbian or bisexual woman, which do you find sexiest:

10% (8) A woman in a dress
2% (2) A woman in a pants suit
0% (0) A woman in T-shirt and jeans
1% (1) A woman in shorts
18% (14) A woman in lingerie
14% (11) A woman in a bikini
52% (40) A naked woman

76 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2001-08-24 17:36:33 by tallactorguy
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