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Cheating On Your Husband

This is a poll for women who have either have cheated on their husbands or are thinking of cheating.
Have you ever had an affair?
Has your affair been limited to a single person or have you had multiple partners?
Just one person
Multiple people
How did you meet your lover?
On a business trip
On a girl's night out
Personal ad
A friend
Does your husband know of the affair?
If you answered "No" to the above question, are you planning on telling him in the future?
If you answered "Yes" to question 4, does the affair turn him on or did he get upset?
He was turned on and is letting me continue the affair
He was turned on but wants me to end it
He was upset but we are working things out
He was upset and we are thinking of separating or are currently separated
What is the reason for your affair?
I'm an extremely sexual person
I'm happy with my husband but looking for something new and exciting
I'm unhappy with my husband
Assuming your husband does not know of your affair, where do you tell him you are going?
Working late
Out with the girls
Going to the gym
Short business trip
Do you think it is normal to have sex with only your spouse your entire marriage?
It is not normal but I can't help myself
Having sex with just your spouse is a cultural and social constraint and is not normal
Do you feel any guilt when you are out with your lover?
No, none at all
Yes, a little
A lot of guilt but I still do it
Have you ever run into someone you know while out with your lover?
If you answered "yes" to the above question, how did you handle the situation?
I just introduced him as a friend and was casual enough that the person didn't suspect anything
I introduced him as a friend but I was very nervous - I think the person was suspicious
I just said "Hello" quickly and didn't even introduce him. It was awkward.
I just pretended I didn't recognize or see them and left as quickly as I could
When you go out with your lover, how important is it to engage in some type of sexual play?
Very important - we do it every time we meet
Important but we sometimes just go out socially and don't do anything sexually
When we go out, sex is not a requirement - if it happens, fine - if not, that is fine too.
If your husband knows of your affair and has allowed you to continue it, do you have a desire for your husband to meet him?
God no! Are you crazy!!
I've thought about it but I think things will work better if the affair is semi-private
Yes, I'd love for them to meet but either my spouse or my lover is reluctant
If your husband knows of your affair and has allowed you to continue it, does he want to know details of what you did when you went out?
Yes, he questions me about every detail
He seems interested but is guarded in what he asks
He prefers the affair to be private
When you engage in intercourse with your lover, what form of contraception do you use?
Rhythm method only
Combination of the above
For women that prefer multiple affairs, how long does it take before you start to lose interest in your lover and seek a new one?
1-3 months
3-6 months
6-12 months
Over 1 year
If your husband does not know of your affair, do you wish you could tell him?
Yes, it would be so much easier if he knew (and was ok with it)
No, it's better that he doesn't know
In your opinion, what percentage of women try an extramarital affair at least once during their marriage?
10% or lower
Between 10 and 25%
Between 26 and 50%
Between 51% and 75%
Over 75%
If your husband allows your affair, does he enjoy watching you get ready for your date (e.g., getting dressed, applying lipstick, etc.)
Yes, it turns him on
He seems neutral about it
If your husband allows your affair, have you ever had your lover pick you up at your house?
Yes, but my husband did not come out to meet him
Yes, and my husband saw him but stayed out of sight
Yes, but my husband makes sure he is out somewhere
No, I would never have him pick me up at home!
This poll was created on 2003-07-24 21:53:42 by mckenna