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Teen daughters and their fathers

Please complete this poll if you are a girl aged between 12 and 18 and live with - or have frequent contact with - both your father and your mother. Sorry if this does not apply to you but whether or not it does, please do go to the 'talk about it' section if you have anything to say about father-teen daughter relationships. Thanks.
Are you a girl aged 12 to 18?
No (Please do not answer any more questions)
Do you live with, or have regular contact with both your father and your mother?
No (Please do not answer any more questions)
Does your father often call you by a pet name, and if so what?
No, he doesn’t
No, he doesn’t because I’ve told him not to
Honey or Hon
Sweets or Sweety
Dear or Dearie
Duck or Ducky
Babe or Baby
Miss or Missy
Another common pet name (please leave a message)
Another pet name that he has made up
What do you usually call your father?
Another common title (please leave a message)
I call him by his name
Who do you live with?
My father and my mother
My father
My mother
How would you describe your relationship with your father?
Very Good
Very Poor
How do you think your relationship with your father compares to your friends' relationships with their fathers?
Its better
It’s about the same
It's not as good
Do you feel closer to your father or to your mother?
I feel closer to my father
I feel closer to my mother
I feel equally close to both
I don't feel close to either
Do you chat with your father about what you are doing e.g. school or social activities?
All the time
If you wanted to talk about personal issues and problems, such as if you had a problem in a relationship with a friend or were being bullied (but not issues that are to do with sex or your body), would you talk to your father?
Yes, but only if my mother was busy at the time
No, even if I had to wait to talk to my mother
No, I’d talk to a friend/a teacher/someone else
If you wanted to talk about issues and problems about sex or your body, would you talk to your father?
Yes, but only if my mother was busy at the time
No, I’d rather wait to talk to my mother
No, I’d talk to a friend/a teacher/someone else
If you would not choose to go to your father with a personal issue or problem, would you listen to him if he offered advice?
Does you father tell you that he loves you?
All the time
Do you tell your father that you love him?
All the time
I think he knows; I don't need to tell him
How often does your father hug you, or you him?
He's never hugged me
He hasn’t hugged me since I was a little girl
He hugs me, rarely
He hugs me, regularly
He hugs me, most days
He often sits with an arm round me e.g.watching tv
If your father does not hug you, why is this? (If he does, please move to the next question)
I don’t want him to, and have told him so
I don’t want him to, and I pull away if he tries
He says I’m too old to be hugged
He’s never hugged me
He used to hug me and I don’t know why he stopped
Does your father engage in any other physical bonding with you e.g. lifting you up, tickling you, or play wrestling? Which of the following is the best description?
Yes, and it’s fun
Yes, and I tolerate it
Yes, and I wish he didn’t
No, but he used to and I wish he still did
No, but he used to and I’m glad he stopped
No, but he used to and I told him to stop
If you answered yes to the above, please select as many of the following as your father still does. If you answered no, please go to the next question.
Lifts me up
Lifts me up and spins me round
Lifts me up and turns me upside down
Wrestles with me
Pillow fights me
Tickles me
Sneaks up and grabs me
Buries me under cushions
Pulls my shirt off
Pulls my shirt off, and my bra down or off
Depantses me (pulls my trousers down or off)
Depantses me and pulls my panties down or off
Other (please leave a message)
Are you happy for your father to meet and chat with your friends, and does he like to? For example if your friends visit at your house, which of the following would best describe the situation?
He chats to my friends and I’m happy with that
He chats to my friends but I’d rather he didn’t
He says hello to my friends, then leaves us to it
He ignores my friends and I'm happy with that
He ignores my friends and I'd rather he didn't
He is unpleasant to my friends
If you were to go on a fun day trip with one of your parents, would you enjoy it more if you went with your father or your mother
My father
My mother
I’d enjoy either equally
This poll was created on 2003-07-28 21:25:27 by Sarah UK