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Computer users' habits

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Can U live without computer?

18% (2) Yes
81% (9) No

11 voters have answered this question.

What's the most important development in the internet World

18% (2) Email
36% (4) High speed internet access (ADSL,Cable...)
27% (3) P2P file sharing
18% (2) Others

11 voters have answered this question.

What's your internet access

9% (1) 56K
9% (1) Adsl 2.4Mbps access
27% (3) Cable 12Mbps access
54% (6) Others

11 voters have answered this question.

How u change your PC with times?

54% (6) to have the newest and most powerful PC
36% (4) I just like my PC to run smoothly and efficiently
9% (1) It's ok for my PC to be a bit slow,I d't use often

11 voters have answered this question.

What do u think of piracy?

40% (4) It's illegal and should be condemned!
40% (4) We had no choice,the real stuff are too expensive!
20% (2) I had $ but why pay $100 where u can get for $10

10 voters have answered this question.

what is the most damaging blow to the copyright industry

10% (1) compact discs easily copied - cause wide privacy
40% (4) P2P file sharing programs
50% (5) The hackers and websites providing software cracks

10 voters have answered this question.

Do the copyright industry deserve this?

30% (3) Yes,they charge sky high, It's their retribution
70% (7) No, they didn't force us to buy

10 voters have answered this question.

What's the best P2P software?

10% (1) Kazaa
0% (0) Imesh
10% (1) Morpheus
80% (8) others

10 voters have answered this question.

What's the best internet browser.

20% (2) Internet Explorer
10% (1) Netscape
20% (2) Opera
0% (0) FlashPeak SlimBrowser
50% (5) Others

10 voters have answered this question.

what's your operating system?

50% (4) XP
0% (0) win 2000
0% (0) win 98
0% (0) win 95
50% (4) Linux

8 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2003-07-16 18:35:49 by metroprimeus
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