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Best NBA player

Who is the best NBA player

Who is a better shooter?

15% (466) T-MAC
58% (1720) Kobe
3% (99) Kevin Garnett
10% (304) Tim Duncan
11% (334) Allen Iverson

2923 voters have answered this question.

Who is a better defender

9% (284) T-MAC
24% (708) Kobe
28% (837) Kevin Garnett
29% (877) Tim Duncan
7% (218) Allen Iverson

2924 voters have answered this question.

Who has a more all around game

13% (404) T-MAC
36% (1075) Kobe
23% (694) Kevin Garnett
17% (514) Tim Duncan
8% (237) Allen Iverson

2924 voters have answered this question.

Who is a better rebounder

3% (98) T-MAC
7% (216) Kobe
51% (1496) Kevin Garnett
35% (1042) Tim Duncan
2% (72) Allen Iverson

2924 voters have answered this question.

Who will be put in the hall of fame

13% (789) T-MAC
26% (1575) Kobe
17% (1050) Kevin Garnett
21% (1287) Tim Duncan
19% (1155) Allen Iverson

5856 voters have answered this question.

Who has the best attitude (shows off the least)

13% (402) T-MAC
11% (324) Kobe
13% (406) Kevin Garnett
49% (1453) Tim Duncan
11% (339) Allen Iverson

2924 voters have answered this question.

Who has the coolest dunk

42% (1230) T-MAC (off the backboard dunk in all-star game 2002)
41% (1202) Kobe (360 dunk)
9% (278) Kevin Garnett
3% (116) Tim Duncan
3% (97) Allen Iverson

2923 voters have answered this question.

Who is the most fun to watch

16% (470) T-MAC
45% (1334) Kobe
9% (282) Kevin Garnett
4% (129) Tim Duncan
24% (709) Allen Iverson

2924 voters have answered this question.

Who is the leading contender for MVP in the future?

13% (394) T-MAC
41% (1222) Kobe
15% (441) Kevin Garnett
20% (606) Tim Duncan
8% (261) Allen Iverson

2924 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2003-08-26 17:54:20 by Nitin
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