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The Affects of Feminism

This poll is an attempt to grasp what average people (not the media, nor anyone else whose jobs demand political correctness) think about Feminism and its affects on society.

Has Feminism created better opportunities in life for women and girls?

72% (221) Yes
27% (85) No

306 voters have answered this question.

Has Feminism caused or enlarged a division between the sexes?

58% (178) Yes
41% (128) No

306 voters have answered this question.

Is Feminism merely a cloak for dislike and/or hatred of men ("misandry")?

51% (159) Yes
48% (147) No

306 voters have answered this question.

Is Feminism, at least, partly to blame for the abundance of pregnant girls and girls with STDs

42% (130) Yes
57% (176) No

306 voters have answered this question.

Which of the fowling best describes the general Feminist agenda?

33% (103) Ensuring equality among men and women
66% (203) Exalting women above men

306 voters have answered this question.

Complete the following statement: Feminism attempts to promote ...

50% (154) all women
49% (152) only women which comply to its agenda

306 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2008-07-17 01:39:17 by man_id_unknown
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