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What girls want in guys (Improved!) -Please take this poll-

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What do girls want in a guy? (Girls only please vote, guys just view the results) GIRLS under 15 ONLY please THANKYOU

What makes a guy more attractive? (Tick all that apply)

72% (21) Hair
82% (24) Smile
82% (24) Eyes
58% (17) Smell
58% (17) Other (good kisser maybe?)

29 voters have answered this question.

If a guy does what, what makes him 'hot'? (Tick all that apply)

85% (24) Smiles
53% (15) Laughs a lot
0% (0) Talks a lot (A LOT!)
50% (14) Talks lots (not too much)
7% (2) Doesn't talk much
60% (17) Other (does lots of sports maybe?)

28 voters have answered this question.

If a guy has a few minor pimples that:

7% (2) Kills the whole atmosphere
3% (1) Isn't too bad, but eew!
46% (13) Who cares.
10% (3) I'm not worried.
3% (1) Not sure
28% (8) Depends (where etc)

28 voters have answered this question.

If a guy had a friend that you don't like and think is annoying, and the first guy asks you out you:

0% (0) Freak out and say no, try to run away
82% (23) Say 'I'll think about it'
7% (2) Walk away
10% (3) Say NO!
0% (0) Say No way!!

28 voters have answered this question.

Have you ever been asked out, and if not why do you think so?

70% (19) Yes.
14% (4) Half (Not quite asked out but half asked out)
0% (0) No, I think I have a bad personality
3% (1) No, I think I am overweight
0% (0) No, I think I am underweight
3% (1) No, I don't know why but I should be soon!
3% (1) No, for another reason
3% (1) Can't remember
0% (0) It's private

27 voters have answered this question.

Have you ever been asked out and said no because you were nervous when you didn't want to say no?

7% (2) Yes, more than once.
11% (3) Yes, but only the first time I was asked out.
14% (4) Yes.
18% (5) No- I said the truth.
25% (7) No.
22% (6) Depends what you mean

27 voters have answered this question.

What hair do you like?

17% (5) Black
21% (6) Dark brown
21% (6) Brown
7% (2) Light brown
21% (6) Blonde
7% (2) Red
3% (1) Mixture
0% (0) Streaks
0% (0) Other (pruple?)

28 voters have answered this question.

What style hair do you like? (Tick all that apply)

57% (16) Straight
32% (9) Spiked
3% (1) Mohawk
53% (15) Other

28 voters have answered this question.

How old are you?

0% (0) Under 10
3% (1) 10
0% (0) 11
7% (2) 12
14% (4) 13
14% (4) 14
32% (9) 15
28% (8) 16 or over (and just leaving)

28 voters have answered this question.

What colour eyes do you favour?

25% (7) Brown
0% (0) Red
28% (8) Blue
21% (6) Green
0% (0) Yellow
0% (0) Black
10% (3) Blue-Green
3% (1) Other Mixture
10% (3) Depends on the person

28 voters have answered this question.

If the guy has long nails you

10% (3) Kill him
13% (4) Refuse to look at him
13% (4) Eh, who cares?
17% (5) Don't mind.
44% (13) Depends

29 voters have answered this question.


25% (7) Like this poll
14% (4) Think this poll is biased (skewed, not fair)
17% (5) Think this poll is informative
17% (5) Think this poll is cool
7% (2) Just got inspiration to make your own poll
28% (8) Other :)
32% (9) Think I'm a guy (WELL GUESS WHAT, I AM hehee!) and I'm not a pervert

28 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2003-09-26 09:07:01 by guy_2003_au
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