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Should woman's Clothing be me more Regulated?

Im curious how many chauvinist's (Im a bit of one myself I'll admit) their are, most people tend to be used to girl's wearing pant's, I'd like to ask you how you feel about it, and if you feel they should have to wear skirts'.
Should Women have to wear
Nothing, women are not entitled to clothes
If skirt's what lengh should they be.
Ankle lengh
Knee lengh
right above the knee
Thigh lengh
panties should be on display even when standing up (YAHOO)
If skirt's, what should our policies on modesty be?
Women should always have to cross leg's under law
Women should be encouraged to cross leg's
Society and the law should be neutral
Women should be allowed to show pantie's
Women should be forbidden to hide pantie's.
Your age and Gender
Male 12 and below
Female 12 and below
Male 13-17
Female 13-17
Male 18-25
Female 18-25
Male 26-40
Female 26-40
Male 40-60
Female 40-60
Male 60+
Female 60+
If skirts, why?
show women's inferiority
It constricts their movement
I like looking up skirts
they look prettier
If pant's why?
Modesty, pant's cant be flipped up
Safety, long skirt can get caught easily
If I cant wear them than neither can women
Other, (please post)
what do you think of these questions
Their Sick, you need mental help
Their ridiculous, you need to find something more important
its kind of silly, dont you have something more important to worry about?
I guess its kind of important
these are the biggest issues in the world, women's clothing is all important.
This poll was created on 2003-10-05 15:56:52 by skirtchaser19