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Gun control

I just want to see who values human life more...
Should we let private citizens own guns, and prevent 2.5 MILLION rapes, murders or robberies a year, or prevent them from owning guns to save 365 children whose parent's didn't teach safety, and obviously didn't know it themselves, seeing as how they left their guns where a kid could get them. oh, and without guns, your average joe with a bat can take on any homeowner, not to mention the guy who bought a gun off the black market (which is already illegal and won't just vanish, it actually increases).
let us have guns, save 2.5 MILLION people
gun control, save those 365 kids
I would rather...
be raped
be robbed
be murdered
leave a gun where my kids can find it
have a gun safely and not worry
This poll was created on 2003-10-14 22:09:45 by Statler