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Men's summer clothing - for guys

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What do you guys like to wear for different occasions during summer.

Your age

0% (2) under 12 - leave now
47% (204) 12-16
21% (93) 17-20
12% (52) 21-25
6% (26) 26-30
10% (45) 31-35
2% (10) more than 35 - leave now

432 voters have answered this question.

Guys, what do you usually wear while at home alone or just with your partner or family or close friends.

26% (116) regular clothes
27% (120) any kind of top + shorts
34% (152) shorts only, shirtless
28% (124) underwear only
38% (168) naked

439 voters have answered this question.

What footwear do you have in the situation described in the previous question?

11% (51) shoes/trainers with socks
7% (33) shoes/trainers sockless
2% (12) sandals with socks
16% (71) sandals sockless
20% (90) socks only
78% (343) bare feet

438 voters have answered this question.

What do you usually wear while you are in the garden or just outside in the nature, having barbecue etc.

21% (93) regular clothes
35% (155) t-shirt + shorts
11% (49) sleeveless t-shirt + shorts
13% (58) tank top + shorts
37% (165) shorts only, shirtless
22% (100) underwear/briefs/swimming trunks only
23% (103) nothing, naked

439 voters have answered this question.

And your footwear?

23% (100) shoes/trainers with socks
15% (67) shoes/trainers sockless
3% (15) sandals with socks
36% (157) sandals sockless
5% (25) socks only
57% (247) bare feet

433 voters have answered this question.

What do you usually wear while working out in a public gym?

43% (182) shorts + t-shirt
24% (102) shorts + sleeveless t-shirt
9% (39) shorts + singlet
31% (131) shorts only, shirtless
11% (49) underwear only/briefs
11% (49) naked (if allowed, please post)

419 voters have answered this question.

Footwear while in gym?

59% (248) trainers + socks
16% (70) trainers sockless
2% (10) sport sandals + socks
5% (22) sport sandals sockless
4% (17) socks only
25% (108) bare feet

418 voters have answered this question.

What do you prefer to wear (or strip to) while having a physical or any kind of medical therapy - massage, medical P.E., other procedures)?

9% (39) fully clothed
21% (91) just shirtless, pants or shorts on
33% (141) underwear only
53% (221) fully naked

416 voters have answered this question.

And footwear?

11% (47) shoes + socks
12% (50) socks only
81% (330) bare feet

405 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2003-10-14 11:57:09 by Brian001
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