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tied up

have you ever been tied up


71% (1281) male
25% (452) female
2% (42) kinda both
0% (7) not sure (im stupid)
0% (9) other (might be a robot)

1791 voters have answered this question.

how old are you

1% (25) 10,11 and under Come back in 2 yrs
16% (290) 12-13
22% (408) 14-15
19% (348) 16-17
13% (237) 18-21
5% (106) 22-25
4% (80) 25-29
5% (94) 30-35
2% (50) 36-40
3% (67) 40-45
3% (64) 46-50
1% (28) older than 60

1797 voters have answered this question.

what places have you been tied up

39% (1442) home
4% (154) school for not bein good
13% (480) school tied up by friends
26% (973) friends or relitives house
9% (361) in public
2% (94) in a hospital
1% (65) in a nut house/mental institution
1% (58) jail

3627 voters have answered this question.

why were u tied up

14% (450) by my self
19% (615) lost bet
30% (971) i agreed to be tied up
29% (952) forced to the ground to be tied up
1% (60) cops
2% (82) medical people in hospital
1% (52) nut house people

3182 voters have answered this question.

who tied u up

41% (1306) friends
14% (447) ur self
5% (173) parents
13% (437) siblings
9% (294) stangers
2% (75) hospital people
1% (58) nut house employees
1% (50) cops
10% (323) other

3163 voters have answered this question.

how were u tied up

8% (657) steel hand cuffs
17% (1397) rope or simmialar thing
7% (577) belts
4% (399) chains
2% (209) velcro
11% (900) duct tape
4% (366) pantyhose or other nylons
5% (421) under wear
4% (395) i was put in panties
4% (346) bra
3% (293) skirt
2% (220) diaper
8% (646) ball gag or similar
1% (128) ear muffs
8% (710) blind fold
2% (240) other
1% (122) stait jacket or other medical restraint

8026 voters have answered this question.

on what were u tied

27% (927) chair
34% (1170) bed
19% (657) pole
19% (649) other

3403 voters have answered this question.

how long were u tied up

18% (560) 1/2 hr
16% (489) 1 hr
15% (482) 2hr
11% (351) 3-5
6% (193) 6-9
3% (119) 10-13
2% (87) 13-15
4% (138) 16-24
4% (138) 2 days
2% (72) 3 days
2% (75) 4-a week
1% (46) 2 weeks
1% (51) 3weeks to a month
1% (31) 2 months-4
0% (28) 4 months-6
0% (25) 6-9 months
0% (26) 9 to 11 months
1% (31) 1 yr
0% (29) 2yr
2% (82) 3 or more wow

3053 voters have answered this question.

how was the experience

11% (203) good
10% (186) ok
16% (292) great
42% (737) sexually fun
13% (240) miserable
4% (77) not sure

1735 voters have answered this question.

how was the poll

6% (105) not good
30% (478) eh could be better
29% (465) ok
15% (248) good
7% (122) great
10% (174) exceptionally great

1592 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2004-01-09 22:48:03 by Chococat
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