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Favorite Lenorah song?

We're curious what your favorite Lenorah song is. Why? Well, we're going to make a setlist in order of faovrite bands. So, vote for the song you like the most and our set at an upcoming show will be based upon the most popular choices. Vote now! Hear what you want.
What are your favorite Lenorah songs?
L E Dies With A Piano In The Most Beautiful Picture
The Dying Project
Ink Blots Are Bleeding Hearts (Formerly '4s & 7s')
~1 (Til Day One)
When We Become Kids We'll Run Away
I Am The Madonna
Samantha Burns The Orchid In The Eye
Reality And The Contents Of
Why Are You Wearing That Stupid Mansuit?
Lenor, Lenor, Nevermore
This poll was created on 2003-10-24 02:40:38 by Lenorah