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THE DENTIST. Questions you haven't answered before.

Asking about your most recent dentist visit.

Are you male or female?

49% (47) Male.
50% (48) Female.

95 voters have answered this question.

How many years had it been inbetween your last visit and the one before?

14% (14) A few weeks.
9% (9) 1-3 months.
35% (34) 4-6 months.
6% (6) 7-10 months.
3% (3) 11-12 months.
3% (3) 18 months.
12% (12) up to 2 years.
9% (9) 3-5 years.
5% (5) more.

95 voters have answered this question.

How many cavities did the dentist find at your last visit?

16% (16) 1.
9% (9) 2.
4% (4) 3.
2% (2) 4.
2% (2) 5.
1% (1) 6.
2% (2) 7.
2% (2) 8.
0% (0) 9.
3% (3) 10+
56% (54) None.

95 voters have answered this question.

Were you told you needed any teeth extracted?

5% (5) Yes. 1.
4% (4) Yes. 2.
2% (2) Yes. 3-5.
4% (4) More.
84% (80) No.

95 voters have answered this question.

Was your mouth held open using a tool?

10% (10) No, just by the dentist's hands.
4% (4) No, the assistant held my mouth open while the dentist examined my teeth.
24% (23) Yes, my mouth was held open by a mouth prop. (cheek retractor)
61% (58) No, I just kept my mouth open by myself. The dentist just used the mouth mirror to push my lips out of the way.

95 voters have answered this question.

Did the dentist use the drill?

38% (37) Yes.
61% (58) No.

95 voters have answered this question.

If you had teeth filled, what hurt more; the injection or the drill?

7% (7) Injection, I had one only.
14% (14) Injection, I had several.
18% (18) The drill, I could feel it.
58% (56) I didn't have any filled at my last visit.

95 voters have answered this question.

Did several dentists work on your teeth in that one visit?

22% (21) Yes.
77% (74) No.

95 voters have answered this question.

Was your last dental visit, an orthodontist appointment?

0% (0) Yes, I had braces put on.
8% (8) Yes, I had my braces tightened.
1% (1) Yes, I had braces taken off.
4% (4) Yes, it was to see if I needed braces/similar.
86% (82) No.

95 voters have answered this question.

Were you told you needed a root canal?

10% (10) Yes. 1.
1% (1) Yes. 2.
2% (2) Yes. 2-3.
1% (1) Yes, more.
85% (81) No.

95 voters have answered this question.

Did the dentist inject you for any reasons at your last visit?

20% (19) Yes, it was very painful.
14% (14) Yes, it pinched, but it wasn't painful.
2% (2) Yes, but I didn't feel it.
1% (1) Not last time, I have to go back for treatment though, and they will be injecting me then.
62% (59) No, my teeth were fine.

95 voters have answered this question.

What scares you most about the drill?

18% (18) The noise.
17% (17) The smell.
11% (11) The feeling. (not pain)
29% (28) It's painful.
22% (21) Nothing.

95 voters have answered this question.

Did the dentist find plaque?

18% (18) Yes, a lot.
55% (53) A little.
25% (24) No.

95 voters have answered this question.

Did the dentist whiten your teeth?

21% (20) Yes.
78% (75) No.

95 voters have answered this question.

How was your dentist?

64% (61) Nice.
43% (41) Gentle.
44% (42) Understanding.
36% (35) Funny.
22% (21) Rough.
7% (7) Rude.
11% (11) Pushy.

95 voters have answered this question.

Was the suction used in your mouth?

77% (74) Yes.
22% (21) No.

95 voters have answered this question.

Did you have an xray?

24% (23) Yes, and they found something/s wrong.
38% (37) Yes, and nothing was wrong.
36% (35) No.

95 voters have answered this question.

If you needed filling/s, did the dentist fill them on the day, straight after finding them?

24% (23) Yes.
20% (19) No.
3% (3) Some.
52% (50) I didn't need a filling.

95 voters have answered this question.

Will you be going back to that dentist for future visits?

74% (71) Yes.
5% (5) No, they were too expensive.
6% (6) No, they were too rough.
8% (8) No - other.
5% (5) Maybe.

95 voters have answered this question.

Who else was in the examining room? (Other than family and friends, if they were)

26% (25) Just the dentist.
68% (65) The assistant and the dentist.
17% (17) The assistant, the dentist and another trained dentist/assistant.
13% (13) Dental students.
13% (13) Some more patients were being examined by other dentists, in the same room as me.
12% (12) An orthodontist.
8% (8) A surgeon.

95 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2008-10-16 11:57:10 by sexychic16
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