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Would you hypnotize your ex? LADIES ONLY

Imagine this: Your ex was so abusive to you, both verbally and physically, that you left him. Soon after you discover that you have an extraordinary gift to hypnotize people and make them do whatever you want. If you would glady use that power to take revenge upon your ex, then please take this poll. If not, thanks for looking, but please do no complete the poll.
Once you got him under your power, how do you think you would feel?
I would feel wonderful
I would probably be a little nervous
I would probably feel guilty
How do you like the idea of making him give you all of his financial assets including real estate, motor vehicles, personal property, etc.?
Sounds great! I would definitely do it!
I would have to think about that...
I would definitely not do that!
How do you like the idea of ordering him to be polite and courteous to every woman he comes in contact with?
Sounds great! I would definitely do it!
I would have to think about that...
I would definitely not do that!
How do you like the idea of making him wear a male chastity belt that only you had the key to so as to insure that he could not get any type of sexual release?
Sounds great! I would definitely do it!
I would have to think about that...
I would definitely not do that!
If you did make him wear a chastity belt, how often would you let him take it off?
I would never let him take it off.
Not very often.
Sometimes, when I felt like it.
I would not make him wear a chastity belt.
If you are the type who would make him wear a chastity belt all the time without ever giving him a chance to get any release, how would the knowledge that his desire would soon grow to a fever pitch make you feel?
It would make me feel wonderful!
I would probably feel a bit guilty...
I would not do that to him.
How would like the idea of making him do all of your yard work, wash and wax your car, and all other outside jobs?
Sounds great! I would definitely do it!
I would have to think about that...
I would definitely not do that!
How do you like the idea of making him do all of your housework, chores, and errands?
Sounds great! I would definitely do it!
I would have to think about that...
I would definitely not do that!
How do you like the idea of making him move into a small room of your house or garage and living his life as your 24/7 servant, ever at your beck and call when he was not working on the job, in other words, your total slave?
Sounds great! I would definitely do it!
I would have to think about that...
I would definitely not do that!
If you did make him into your own personal, live-in slave would you allow him any free time?
Absolutely not! He would live only to serve me!
Very little.
I would not make him into my live-in slave.
Would you get a kick out of teasing him by wearing provocative clothing?
Sounds great! I would definitely do it!
I would have to think about that...
I would definitely not do that!
How do you like the idea of having some girlfriends over and making him serve as cook and waiter?
Sounds great! I would definitely do it!
I would have to think about that...
I would definitely not do that!
How do you like the idea of making him massage and kiss your feet while you watched TV, read, talked on the phone, etc.?
Sounds great! I would definitely do it!
I would have to think about that...
I would definitely not do that!
What would be your normal demeanor toward him?
Bossy, demanding, as bitchy as I could be!
I would be polite but firm.
I would be my usual self.
What if you really had the power to make a man do anything you said without any sass or hesitation on his part, BUT it was not an abusive ex but could only be someone that had never done anything to you? Would you still do it?
The chance to own my own personal slave? Hell yes!
I would have to think about that...
I definitely would not do that!
If you answered yes to the previous question, have you ever visited www.elisesutton.homestead.com/Main.html ?
Yes, I have.
No, but I will check it out.
No, and I will not check it out.
I did not answer yes to the previous question.
As far as your abusive ex is concerned, would you get a kick out of being verbally abusive to him?
I would absolutely love it!
I would have to think about that...
I definitely would not do that!
When you got to thinking about how he had abused you in the past, would you take pleasure in pulling out the old paddle or whip and giving him a dose of his own medicine?
I would absolutely love it!
I would have to think about that...
I definitely would not do that!
Is there anything under the sun too kinky or humiliating (for him) to make him do if it gave you pleasure?
No! I would use him in any way that pleased me!
I would not be totally without mercy...
Yes, some things I would not make him do.
How long would you keep him under your power?
For as long as he served my needs.
Don't know... Maybe 1 to 5 years...
A year or less.
Overall, how would you describe his life under your power?
Hell on earth. I would be the real Queen of Mean!
It would be kinda rough on him, but not too bad...
It would be OK for him.
If you had the power, would you enslave all abusive men to a woman who would be mean, bossy, demanding and selfish towards them?
Hell yes! I would do it in a heartbeat!
I would have to think about that...
No, I would not.
This poll was created on 2003-11-23 05:03:41 by Wild Ideas