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What do men think of tom-girls ?

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what do men really think of tom-girls..

How old are you ?

46% (37) 13-17
27% (22) 18-25
13% (11) 26-35
10% (8) 36-45
13% (11) 46+

80 voters have answered this question.

what is your opinion on tom-girls/girls who act boyish and tough?

8% (7) nope, Dont like them a bit
8% (7) they're ok , but i would'nt date one
15% (12) dont really care
24% (19) I think they're quite cute, I'd probably date one
50% (39) ohh yes! very sexy , I'd surely date her
3% (3) other ( please post message on our message board)

78 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2003-11-25 17:19:40 by leciena
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