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Sexy VS Polite (men only)

which is more attractive in a women , sexiness , or being polite ?
how old are you ?
17 or under
Which is more attractive when it comes to her clothes ?
Short skirt,high heels , the lot
trousers, low cleavage top
tracksuit and trainers
full office suit
respectful dress
other ( please state on message board)
Her personality and attitude, which is more sexy ?
up front and in your face
sexy and fast to come on
quiet and sweet
Nice and honest
polite and keeps to herself
other ( please state on message board )
Finally , if a women is hard to get, is it more thrilling , or does it put you right off?
yes! more thrilling
dont mind really
No, just makes it boring , and puts me off..
other ( please state on message board)
This poll was created on 2003-11-25 17:32:47 by leciena