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WYSIWYG acronyms

Think WYSIWYG, and think "What you see is what you get," right? Wrong!! On this site, you'll get to vote on what other phrases WYSIWYG could represent. Let's go.
What should WYSIWYG really stand for?
Womanly yin stirs infernally wistful yang gratification!
We yield sabers ineptly while yelling grandiloquently.
Why yield sensibilities? Insane warmongering yes-men grovel.
Whatever! You susceptible, indefensible, warmongering yuppie! Grow-up!
Wise youth sarcastically illuminate worldly yes-men gatherings.
What you state insightfully will yield gems.
Whatever! You speculate irrationally with your genderalities.
Withering yesterdays surface in ways yielding grandiloquence.
What?! You've swindled incessantly while you've governed?
When you shower in Washington, you'll glisten
Will your senses intensify? Will you grow?!
With your sacrifice, it's working! Yggdrasil grows!
Wholly yearning, selfish, indulgent, wasteful youthful gangs.
When you spend income whimsically you're galavanting.
Websites yield success in ways yet globalizing.
When you spout information witlessly, you're garish.
Whining young sycophants inevitably want your gold.
This poll was created on 2004-02-07 18:00:44 by Cybert