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Noah's Ark - truth, half-truth, or flat-out myth?

I was wondering what people thought about Noah's Ark and the Flood story. Do you believe it to be literally true, or is it symbolic? Did it happen just a few thousand years ago, or millions of years ago? How did the animals build themselves up again from only two of a kind? And can you be a Christian if you don't believe it happened? Give your opinions here.
1. Is the Noah's Ark story the literal truth, a kind of half-truth, or a flat-out myth?
It is the literal, absolute truth
I think it's based on truth, but needs to be interpreted correctly
It may have some truth in it, but it's largely fiction
The whole thing is a flat-out myth
2. Of the animals in the Ark, some were only a male and a female, but some had seven pairs (Gen. 7:2). This is a very small gene pool. If you have only a male and a female, you must breed brother and sister together in the second generation, and so on. With no genetic mixing, animals soon become weak and sickly and deformed. How was this problem overcome?
After the Ark grounded, God re-enriched the genes of the animals
The animals gave birth to offspring which carried genes other than their own
The Flood was only in part of the earth: animals survived elsewhere
Other answer (please post)
None of these, since the Ark story is a myth
3. After the Ark grounded in what is now Turkey, how did the penguins get all the way to Antarctica?
They waddled all the way down there, slowly but surely
Another animal gave them a lift
The good Lord picked them up and placed them in Antarctica
None of these, since the Ark story is a myth
4. There are millions of different insect species in the world today. Were all of these carried on the Ark?
Yes, every one of them
Yes, but only a selection. God has created more insect species since then
Yes, but only a selection. Evolution has created more insect species since then
No, insects were not on Noah's Ark. They were able to survive the Flood
None of these, since the Ark story is a myth
5. The Bible states that during the Flood, the waters covered the whole earth, even the high mountains (Gen.7,19). But there isn't enough water on earth to cover all the high mountains today. So, how can we account for the extra water?
God created a vast amount of water for the flood, and then destroyed it again
God lifted up the ocean beds so that the waters overflowed the earth
There are some giant caves or hollows in the earth which still hold the extra water
Other answer (please post)
None of these, since the Ark story is a myth
6. Scientists tell us that, a few thousand years ago, the Mediterranean was a vast dry hollow in the Earth. The waters broke through from the Atlantic, creating a waterfall of staggering size, and the Mediterranean and Black Sea area was inundated in a short time. Could this factual, massive event account for the Biblical Flood story?
Yes, I definitely believe that
Yes, I think this is a distinct possibility
I think this could possibly be true, or half-true
No, I still believe that the Flood covered the whole earth, like the Bible says
I don't know
7. If you believe that Noah's Ark and the Flood story is literally true, how long ago do you think it happened?
Just a few thousand years ago
Tens of thousands of years ago
Hundreds of thousands of years ago
Millions of years ago
Tens of millions of years ago
It didn't happen at all - it's a myth
8. Why are certain animals found only in isolated locations on earth today? For instance, lemurs are found only in Madagascar. If lemurs were on the Ark, they ought to be all over the earth, surely? Or why are kangaroos only found in Australia? If there were kangaroos on the Ark, why are they not also found in Africa today?
After the Ark grounded, the animals swam to various islands and just stayed there
God distributed the animals to various lands after the Ark grounded
Humans built ships and took animals with them to various lands, where they stayed
Other answer (please post)
Lemurs <b>evolved</b> in Madagascar over millions of years. Kangaroos evolved in Australia
9. Do you believe that the remains of Noah's Ark have been found on Mount Ararat in modern-day Turkey?
I am a Christian, and yes, I do believe that
I am a Christian, but frankly no, I do not believe that
I am not a Christian, but I believe that
I am not a Christian, and I do not believe that
I'm not sure
The whole story is a flat-out myth anyhow
10. Did you know that the Muslims strongly believe in Noah's Ark and the Flood story, and that they look upon Noah as a great Muslim prophet of God?
Yes, I did know that
No, I did not know that
11. The Bible states that, after the Flood, Noah planted a vinyard, and after drinking wine, was drunk, naked and incapable in his tent (Gen.9:21). Muslims reject this, as they say that a great prophet chosen by God would not behave in this way. Is this Scripture fact or fiction?
It's fact. The great prophet Noah was drunk and incapable in his tent
No, it's not true. A great prophet of God would not behave in this way
I'm not sure
The whole story is a myth anyhow
12. This is the most important question. If you doubt the story of Noah's Ark and the Flood, or believe it to be a myth, can you still be a Christian?
Yes. As long as you claim Jesus as your saviour, you are a Christian
No. You cannot be a Christian and reject this major part of the Bible
I'm not sure
No opinion
This poll was created on 2003-11-30 20:32:45 by Predator