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Favorite Final Fantasy Stuff

Okay, this time people I want this poll to be public!! I'm not making them for my own amusement! Well..actually..^_^
What is YOUR favorite Final Fantasy game?(and if ya don't know roman numerals...it sux to be you)
Final Fantasy I
Final Fantasy II
Final Fantasy III
Final Fantasy IV
Final Fantasy V
Final Fantasy VI
Final Fantasy VII
Final Fantasy VIII(i hope not :/)
Final Fantasy IX
Final Fantasy X
Final Fantasy Tactics
Final Fantasy X-2(even tho its not out in America)
Final Fantasy Mystic Quest
Final Fantasy 11(again not out)
I like a different one better! :P
they all suck i hate squaresoft!
i like them all! mwaahaaa ^_^
What game has the best music?
Final Fantasy I
Final Fantasy II
Final Fantasy III
Final Fantasy IV
Final Fantasy V
Final Fantasy VI
Final Fantasy VII
Final Fantasy VIII
Final Fantasy IX
Final Fantasy X
Final Fantasy Tactics
Final Fantasy X-2
Final Fantasy Mystic Quest
Final Fantasy XI
I like all the music @_@
I hate it all!
I like music from a different Final Fantasy better
Which game is the best to cosplay(or that has been cosplayed)?
Final Fantasy VI
Final Fantasy VII
Final Fantasy VIII
Final Fantasy IX
Final Fantasy X
Final Fantasy X-2
I think another game has been done better
I don't like cosplay
what is cosplay @_@?
they are all GOOD heh heh
And the game with the best graphics is...?
of course VII, (lol)
I think another game had the best graphics
all the graphics suck nuts
I like them all! heeeeee hee
The game with the best story is...?
I think another one has a better story
I like none of them!
I like more than one(like me ^_^)
I love them all(can't get enough FF!)
What was the best Final Fantasy boss?
Kefka(scares me so!)
I like another boss better :P
I hate them all!
All were really...heh heh he good
Which main character from an FF game did you want to kill the most?
Terra/Locke(dunno which ones the main :/)
Squall(oh God yes!)
Rikku/Yuna/Paine(which ones main @_@?)
I hate a different one more!
Butz needs to DIE!!!
umm i like them all cuz they're so funtastic!
Which character did you wanna pick up huggle, and lastly take them home w/ you?
Tifa (if ya know wut i mean ^_~)
Cait Sith
a moomba!
mog of course!
umm none cuz i'm a guy and i don't do "huggle"
all they're soo cute ^_^
none they all need DEATH
This poll was created on 2003-11-30 23:17:44 by schmooglie