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Favorites in Baseball

My favorite sport has always been baseball. Just a quick quiz to see what some of your opinions are.
What is your favorite team?
New York Yankees
Boston Red Sox
Toronto Blue Jays
Baltimore Orioles
Tampa Bay Devil Rays
Minnesota Twins
Chicago White Sox
Kansas City Royals
Cleveland Indians
Detroit Tigers
Oakland A's
Anaheim Angels
Texas Rangers
Seattle Mariners
Atlanta Braves
Florida Marlins
New York Mets
Philadelphia Phillies
Montreal Expos
Chicago Cubs
Houston Astros
St. Louis Cardinals
Pittsburgh Pirates
Cincinnati Reds
Milwaukee Brewers
San Francisco Giants
Los Angeles Dodgers
Arizona Diamondbacks
Colorado Rockies
San Diego Padres
What is your all time favorite baseball moment?
Carlton Fisk's homerun, game 6, 1975 World Series
Kirk Gibson's pinch homerun, 1988 World Series
Pete Rose breaking Ty Cobbs all time hit record
Reggie Jackson's 3 homeruns, 1977 World Series
Hank Aaron becoming all time homerun champion
Roger Maris hitting his 61st homerun
Mark McGuire hitting his 62nd homerun
Barry Bonds hitting his 71st homerun
Rickey Henderson breaking the stolen base record
Nolan Ryan recording his 5000th strikeout
Roger Clemons winning his 300th game
Babe Ruth's "called shot"
Willie Mays' over the shoulder catch
Cal Ripkin breaking Lou Gehrig's iron man record
Gaylord Perry wins his 300th game
George Brett's "pine tar incident"
Roberto Clemente's 3000th hit
Rod Carew's 3000th hit
Don Larson's perfect game in the World Series
Joe Carter's game winning homer,'93 World Series
Nolan Ryan's 7th no hitter
Should Pete Rose be reinstated?
Not sure
Who cares
If baseball expands again, what city should be granted a team?
Oklahoma City
San Juan
New Orleans
Salt Lake City
Sante Fe
Little Rock
What is your age range?
under 13
over 50
How often do you go to a major league ballpark?
I'm a season ticket holder
I go several times a year
I go to a few games a year
I go to 2 or 3 games a year
I'm lucky if I get to go once a year
I haven't been in a long time
I've never been, but would like to go
I've never been, but prefer to watch on TV anyway
Does major league baseball need a salary cap?
They needed one a long time ago
What would be the point now
Not sure
Have you ever been to a minor league game?
Yes, and I loved it
Yes, it was okay
Yes, I hated it
No, but I'd like to
No, and I don't want to
Do you believe in jinx's, like the Cubs "Goat Jinx" or the Red Sox "Curse of the Bambino"?
Yes, there must be something to it
Sort of, but it's all in the players heads
No, that's just silly
Curses are just an excuse for losers
What is your favorite food to eat at the ballpark?
Hot dogs
Cracker Jacks
Ice Cream
I don't eat at the game
Never been to the ballpark
This poll was created on 2003-12-10 18:52:25 by James76255