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And the Best Car is...?

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Which Cars are the best?I like the Mini-Cooper.

Fisrt of all,what type of car do you like?

59% (19) Sports
9% (3) Suv
18% (6) Truck
9% (3) Van
28% (9) oldies
21% (7) other
9% (3) All of the above

32 voters have answered this question.

Now which of these cars do you like?

24% (8) Mini-Cooper
42% (14) Lamborghini
36% (12) B.M.W `S
21% (7) Trucks
33% (11) Dodge Viper
27% (9) Hummer
3% (1) Element
27% (9) Nissan Skyline
3% (1) Rav4
3% (1) Model A
12% (4) Model T
39% (13) Mustang
36% (12) Camaro
30% (10) Corvette
42% (14) Other
12% (4) All of the above

33 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2003-12-07 01:16:09 by pollster50
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