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Male & Female fashion Models

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I would Like to know how many people out there would really like to see the face of fashion change

What gender are you ?

63% (12) Male
36% (7) Female

19 voters have answered this question.

How Old Are You ?

5% (1) 12 & under
42% (8) 13-17
31% (6) 18-25
5% (1) 26-35
10% (2) 36-45
5% (1) 46-55
0% (0) 56+

19 voters have answered this question.

Do you think that todays supermodels are a bad influence on peoples image of a perfect body ?

31% (6) Yes
42% (8) not sure
15% (3) No
10% (2) Other ( please talk about in message area)

19 voters have answered this question.

If you said yes to the above question , do you think that models of all ages , height and weight should model todays clothes and apppear on the covers of magazines ?

50% (7) yes( please talk about in message area)
28% (4) not sure
21% (3) No ( please talk about in message area)

14 voters have answered this question.

Finally, Do you think the governments of all nations should contribute to stoping the typical '' perfect image'' on tv, magazines , catwalks , fashion posters ect.

11% (2) yes
44% (8) not sure
44% (8) no

18 voters have answered this question.

How did you find this pole?

5% (1) It was great
47% (8) It was ok I guess
11% (2) It was interesting
17% (3) It was very boring * snore *
11% (2) its not my kind of questionaire
5% (1) get me out of here!
0% (0) get me out of here!

17 voters have answered this question.

This poll was created on 2003-12-08 04:37:59 by leciena
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